M.A.: The degree requires a minimum of 40 semester hours of graduate coursework.
Ph.D.: After admission to the Ph.D. degree program, students plan a program of study with their respective faculty advisory committee headed by their advisor. Requirements include completion of 45 semester hours of precandidacy graduate work beyond the master’s degree and acceptable performance on a written and oral comprehensive examination. The 45 semester hours of precandidacy study consists of 24 hours in a major area of focus, 15 hours in two minor areas of focus, and 6 semester hours of research tool courses.
Doctoral Candidacy:
Students who have not completed a master's thesis are required to complete and defend a research project prior to taking their comprehensive examination.
After completion of doctoral coursework, students take the candidacy examinations, consisting of both written and oral portions. The written portion entails 16 hours of writing on material studied within the major and minors. The oral portion occurs two to four weeks later and can cover information on any topic in addition to those covered on the written portion. Successful completion of these examinations culminates in "admission to candidacy" and allows the candidate to begin work on the dissertation.
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