The Master of Arts and Master of Education in Early Childhood Education prepares critically reflective teachers with advanced knowledge in pre-school through primary multi-disciplinary curriculum. Students are prepared to be democratically accountable leaders, co-decision makers, pedagogical experts and committed professionals in various early childhood realms. The program emphasizes commitment to equitable and caring learning communities. Ohio endorsements for pre-school, pre-school with special needs or generalist (grades four and five) may be embedded in the program. The M.A. requires a thesis.
M.A. and M.Ed.: Pre-Kindergarten Special Needs Endorsement provides teachers with the coursework and field experiences necessary to work effectively with preschool aged children with disabilities in a variety of settings. The Pre-Kindergarten Special Needs Endorsement can be added to the Early Childhood Education License and/or the Early Childhood Pre-K Validation and any Special Education license.
The Master of Arts in Teaching in Early Childhood Education is for qualified persons who possess at least a baccalaureate in a discipline other than teacher education. This program leads to Ohio licensure for teaching children age three through grade three. Students have intensive field experiences in pre-school, kindergarten and primary programs, including those in urban/diverse settings.
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