The Master of Arts and Master of Education in Cultural Foundations is oriented toward a critical understanding of broad normative and interpretive issues in education and human service professions. Course offerings apply traditional humanities and social science modes of inquiry to theories and practices of education broadly conceived. Foundational study explores the often-conflicting demands placed upon educational institutions and examines a wide range of responses to them. The program offers students an overview of educational issues and policies emerging from a world increasingly dominated by technology and such concerns as poverty, social and political marginalization and environmental degradation. Coursework examines theories of society, morality and politics as these relate to the study of education. Classes focus on topics such as the political and moral dimensions of education and educational policy formation, the nature of multicultural and international education, the engagement of academic and public knowledge, and ideas of nature and education.
Graduates with a Ph.D. in Cultural Foundations have enjoyed success in finding (or sometimes creating!) jobs in school systems, higher education, foundations, policy research and government agencies.
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