The Master of Geographic Information Science is offered fully online and will prepare graduates for analytical and managerial positions that utilize geospatial technologies in three professional areas: cyber-infrastructure, environment, and health.
Students in the CyberGIS concentration will focus on the challenges of managing, filtering, analyzing and visualizing large volumes of spatiotemporal data from mobile devices, web-based services and supercomputers. This knowledge will prepare graduates to work in government and industry and provide the expertise to enable scientists, businesses and policymakers to gain new insights from large spatial datasets.
Students in the Environmental Geographic Information Science concentration will focus on the use of geographic information science to understand environmental changes and hazards. Practitioners in the fields of emergency management, public safety and homeland security rely on geospatial technologies and mapping for planning, response, mitigation and recovery activities. Geographic information science is a key contributor to obtaining situation awareness in cases of natural and human-technological events. Jobs are available for GISc-skilled professionals at all levels of government and in private-sector consulting.
Students in the Geographic Information Science and Health concentration will focus on the use of geographic information science and allied geospatial technologies that have become widespread in the study of health and in management of healthcare resources. Geographic information science skills are needed through all levels of health-related agencies in government, and are becoming standard across private industry and non-profits in this area. From understanding and preventing epidemics around the world, to identifying healthy lifestyle resources in a neighborhood, geographic information science has proven invaluable in adding the necessary spatial insight for improved health quality and outcomes. Students who choose this concentration will graduate with the highly-valued technical skillset to advance these goals in health research and management.
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