The M.A. degree in philosophy requires 33 hours beyond the baccalaureate degree including 1 hour of research directed toward the completion of the First Year Paper and 6 hours of research directed toward the completion of the thesis or nonthesis research project.
The degree requires the following elements: two sections of PHIL 60191 Graduate Seminar (6 credit hours), PHIL 69198 First Year Paper (1 credit hour), PHIL 51038 Intermediate Logic (3 credit hours), the breadth requirement (9 credit hours), the depth requirement (6 credit hours), the culminating experience (6 credit hours) and PHIL 69997 Colloquium (2 credit hours). The breadth requirement involves taking one course each (9 hours) in three of the four areas of coursework defined in the Graduate Program Handbook ( The depth requirement involves taking an additional two courses (6 hours) in one of those three areas.
Graduate students normally take PHIL 60191 Graduate Seminar in their second and third semesters in the program.
Beyond required and elective coursework, students are required to participate in PHIL 69997 Colloquium for each semester in residence. No more than two semester hours of Colloquium may be counted toward the degree requirements. The graduate coordinator, in consultation with the graduate faculty, will consider various options for satisfying the Colloquium requirement where circumstances dictate.
Students who lack background preparation in a specific area will be required to take an undergraduate course and earn a letter grade of B (3.000) or better in that course as a prerequisite to further graduate study. The student's advisory group, in consultation with the graduate coordinator, will determine which course prerequisites are needed.
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