Applied Linguistics and Pedagogy: Students must successfully complete 36 semester hours of coursework and a final project, a portfolio, or a comprehensive examination. Additionally, students will complete an exit oral interview and an exit essay examination. Course requirements include LAT 61001 Research and Writing, LAT 66211 Latin Prose Composition, CLAS 51402 Roman Archaeology and Art, CLAS 51006 Roman History and two electives.
Within the concentration, students must successfully complete MCLS 60661 Second Language Acquisition, MCLS 60698 Research in Second Language Pedagogy, MCLS 63038 Teaching Literature and Culture, MCLS 60663 Second Language Curriculum and Testing and two electives.
Literature: Students must successfully complete 36 semester hours of coursework plus a thesis or final project. A minimum of 12 semester hours must be courses in Latin language and literature.
Students may combine a graduate major in Latin with a minor in another field with the approval of the adviser by completing the core requirements pus one additional Latin course and 12 semester hours in another language or department. A graduate student majoring in another field may elect a minor in Latin by successfully completing 12 semester hours in Latin.
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