Graduates of this program will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the research and analytical skills that will be useful while working in the field of conflict management.
2. Demonstrate preparation for work in the applied field of conflict management by successfully completing a hands-on internship experience where their on-site performance, their internship journals and their final internship paper reveal their ability to: effectively use skills taught and learned in the classroom; apply theories to experiences; evaluate and critique host agency dynamics and conflict management systems and practices and devise real or hypothetical alternative approaches; critically and reflexively evaluate their own performance.
3. Analyze the dynamics of social conflicts and apply the principles of nonviolent theory and practice in order to wage conflict constructively to bring about social or political change.
4. Demonstrate their ability to use the skills of conflict management through in-class exercises, simulations and role plays.
5. Demonstrate an ability to identify and analyze the cultural dimensions of conflicts and conflict management.
6. Describe and interpret the roles that gendered power dynamics play in conflicts and conflict management.
7. Demonstrate a broad grounding in the field of conflict management by being able to explain the historical evolution of the field, by identifying and analyzing a full range of conflict dynamics, and by designing constructive and appropriate intervention tactics and strategies.
8. Students demonstrate will be able explain the main theories on causes, expression and consequences of international conflicts, and comparatively evaluate different mechanisms of prevention, management and resolution of international conflicts.
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