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French Literature, Culture and Translation - B.A. Program Requirements PDFDownload to print

Type Legend: DD Diversity–Domestic; DG Diversity–Global; ELR Experiential Learning; KAD Kent Core Additional; KBS Kent Core Basic Sciences; KCM Kent Core Composition; KFA Kent Core Fine Arts: KHU Kent Core Humanities; KMC Kent Core Mathematics and Critical Reasoning; KSS Kent Core Social Sciences; WIC Writing Intensive

Please read the sections in the University Catalog on Kent Core, diversity, writing-intensive and the experiential learning requirements.

Type Course Title Credits
  US 10097 Destination Kent State: First Year Experience 1
Type Course Title Credits
  FR 13201 Elementary French I (4)  
    13202 Elementary French II (4)  
    23201 Intermediate French I (3)  
    23202 Intermediate French II (3)  
III.   MAJOR PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS (39 credits)**  Courses count in major GPA 
Type Course Title Credits
  FR 33211 French Conversation 3
    33212 French Composition 3
    33214 French Composition Extended 2
    33215 French Phonetics and Diction 3
    33231 Translation Practice: French 1
    33421 French Civilization 3
WIC   33335 Introduction to French Theatre*** 3
WIC   33336 Introduction to French Poetry*** 3
WIC   33337 Introduction to French Novel*** 3
    43213 French Composition-Advanced 3
  TRST 30230 Approaches to Translation 3
  Choose from the following+: 3
  MCLS 20000 Global Literacy and Cultural Awareness (3)  
    30420 Foreign Language and Culture Studies (3)  
  Choose from the following French Literature and Culture Electives: 6
  FR 43091 French Seminar (3)  
    43093 Variable Title Workshop in French (3)  
    43096 Individual Investigation (3)  
    43216 Contemporary French Culture (3)  
    43230 Advanced Translation Practice: French (3)  
    43240 Business and Special Texts: French (3)  
    43366 Studies in 19th-Century Novel (3)  
    43368 20th-Century French Novel (3)  
    43369 20th-Century French Poetry (3)  
    43370 20th-Century French Theatre (3)  
    43380 Francophone Literature (3)  
Type Course Title Credits
  Foreign Language or General Electives**** 14
  Kent Core Composition 6-8
  Kent Core Mathematics and Critical Reasoning 3-5
  Kent Core Humanities and Fine Arts (minimum one course from each) 9
  Kent Core Social Sciences (must be from two disciplines) 6
  Kent Core Basic Sciences (must include one laboratory) 6-7
  Kent Core Additional 6
  College General Requirement (must be from Kent Core Basic Science)***** 3
  College General Requirement (must be from Kent Core Social Science)****** 3
  General Electives (minimum 6 upper-division credit hours)
Credits required depends on meeting minimum 121 credit hours and minimum 42 upper-division credit hours



* Many students begin their university studies with substantial proficiency in French and therefore, should begin their program of study with the first courses in the French major: FR 33211, FR 33212 and FR 33214. Other students may need to complete one or more of the prerequisite courses: FR 13201, FR 13202, FR 23201, FR 23202. Starting French studies in the appropriate course(s) is critical to on-time graduation. All students intending to major in French should contact a French faculty advisor in the department of Modern and Classical Language Studies for placement and advising information prior to enrolling in their first French course. Students entering the university with substantial knowledge of French should consider taking the College-Level Examination Program through which they may receive up to 14 hours of university credit. Students wishing to earn credit through CLEP should take the exam several weeks prior to enrolling in their first French course to ensure eligibility, timely granting of credits and timely placement into the correct French course(s).

** All courses taken from the list of major program requirements are used in the calculation of the major GPA.

*** One course must be passed with minimum C grade to fulfill writing-intensive requirement.

****Students who fulfill the language requirement in fewer than 14 hours as a result of starting their French studies in a course higher than FR 13201 will complete remaining hours with general electives.

*****One additional course taken from the Kent Core Basic Science courses in the following Arts and Sciences disciplines: Anthropology (ANTH), Biological Sciences (BSCI), Chemistry (CHEM), Geography (GEOG), Geology (GEOL) or Physics (PHY). Students may take the courses listed in the "introductory" sequences with the restrictions noted above in the Kent Core Basic Science section. The course may not be from the student's major.

******One additional course taken from the Kent Core Social Sciences courses in the following Arts and Sciences disciplines: Anthropology (ANTH), Applied Conflict Management (CACM), Geography (GEOG), Criminology and Justice Studies (JUS), Political Science (POL), Psychology (PSYC) or Sociology (SOC). The course may not be from the student's major.

Note: All French Literature, Culture and Translation majors must take the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview, ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test and the French Outcomes Assessment Test, prior to being cleared for graduation. Information about the exams can be found on the ACTFL Website and the Language Testing International (LTI) website, the exclusive licensee of ACTFL. B.A. in French Literature, Culture and Translation candidates should consult with their designated French faculty advisor for more information on arranging to take the proficiency exams.

+ French teaching licensure candidates completing an education minor should take MCLS 30420.

Foreign Language Note: Students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in the College of Arts and Sciences must have the equivalent of Elementary I and II in any language, and the French Literature, Culture and Translation major requires Intermediate I and II of the same language.
All students with prior foreign language experience should take the foreign language placement test to determine the appropriate level at which to start. Some students may begin their university foreign language experience beyond the Elementary I level and will complete the requirement with fewer credit hours and fewer courses. This may be accomplished by: (1) passing a course beyond Elementary I through Intermediate II level or (2) receiving credit through Credit by Exam (CBE), the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), the Advanced Placement (AP) exam or credit through the International Baccalaureate (IB) program; or (3) being designated a "native speaker" of a non-English language (consult with the College of Arts and Sciences Advising Office for additional information). When students complete the requirement with fewer than 14 credit hours and four courses, they will complete remaining hours with general electives.