General Admissions for Freshman Students: Admission Requirements at the Kent Campus: The freshman admission policy at the Kent Campus is selective. Admission decisions are based upon the following: cumulative grade point average, ACT and/or SAT scores, strength of high school college preparatory curriculum and grade trends.
The university affirmatively strives to provide educational opportunities and access to students with varied backgrounds, those with special talents and adult students who graduated from high school three or more years ago. For more information on admissions, visit the admissions website for new freshmen.
Transfer Students: A cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 is required. Students who have completed (or the equivalent of) COMM 15000, ENG 21011, MATH 11010 (or placement out of ENG 11011 and/or MATH 11010) must have earned a minimum C (2.00) grade; students who have completed ACCT 23020 and ACCT 23021 must have earned a minimum B- (2.70) grade in both courses. If a student does not have at least a B- in both ACCT 23020 and ACCT 23021 but the student does have an average GPA of at least a 2.7 in ACCT 23020 and 23021, the student can apply to the Accounting Department to be considered for an override to be admitted to junior level accounting courses.
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