Ed.S.: This program is composed of a minimum of thirty semester hours of planned graduate study beyond the master’s degree and must include a fundamentals of curriculum course (unless waived), an educational foundations course, a research course, and courses in a specialized C&I discipline or area of study. Completion of an appropriate internship experience is recommended.
M.Ed.: The total hours required for the Master of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction is dependent on the particular concentration that a student chooses and ranges from 32-42 hours. Minimum hours for each concentration are noted and are reflective of the state teacher leader standards for teaching licensure. Those concentrations that do not lead to licensure list 32 required hours.
Licensure Requirement (not required for graduation):
Candidates seeking Ohio licensure are required to pass specific assessments in order to apply for licensure. Students should consult their advisors for specific program requirements and refer to the Ohio Department of Education-Educator Preparation website for more information on assessments specific to licensure type.
Ph.D.: This program contains a minimum core of five C&I courses, one foundations course, and two research courses. Doctoral students each design an individualized course of study with the assistance of a supervising prospectus committee, which they organize. The course phase of study culminates with a written and oral comprehensive examination that is created and evaluated by each doctoral student’s prospectus committee. Once doctoral students have passed the comprehensive examination, they organize a dissertation committee, which supervises their dissertation research project. Doctoral students achieve the Ph.D. degree upon successfully defending their dissertation research projects. This culminating peer review process, which is open to the public, formally acknowledges that the doctoral students have established an independent and respected research expertise.
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