Ph.D.: The dissertation presents results of original research. Topics available for dissertation research are primarily in the areas of condensed matter physics and high-energy nuclear physics. Condensed matter research emphasizes liquid crystal/soft condensed matter physics and systems exhibiting highly correlated electrons/superconductors. It includes problems involving theory and computation, critical phenomena, X-ray scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance, light scattering, magnetic and electric phenomena, ultrasonics, and thermal and optical properties. Small angle neutron scattering and synchrotron X-ray experiments are carried out at national facilities such as the National Institute for Standard and Technology and Argonne National Laboratory. High-energy nuclear research probes the subatomic structure of matter via the subatomic particles and their strong interaction processes. Experiments are carried out at national accelerator facilities such as the Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory and the Brookhaven Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. Research in subatomic theory concentrates on modeling hadrons in terms of quarks and gluons using relativistic quantum field theory and describing high energy collision processes of hot, dense nuclear matter in terms of basic quark-gluon interactions.
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