Admission into the M.S.: official transcript(s); 3.0 GPA; GRE (general test); goal statement; three letters of recommendation; list of up to five potential faculty advisors and undergraduate coursework roughly equivalent to a Biology minor. Before admission can be completed, a prospective student must be accepted by a faculty member in the program who will act as advisor.
Admission into the Ph.D.: official transcript(s); GRE; goal statement; three letters of recommendation; list of up to five potential faculty advisors; baccalaureate in the natural sciences with a minimum of two years of chemistry, one year of calculus, one year of physics and two years of biology, including genetics, plant or animal physiology and morphology. Deficiencies at the time of admission shall be rectified during the first year of graduate study. Before admission can be completed, a prospective student must be accepted by a faculty member in the program who will act as advisor.
For more information about graduate admissions, please visit the Graduate Studies website.
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