The Bachelor of Science in Education in Special Education comprises six concentrations: Deaf Education, ASL/English Interpreting, Mild/Moderate Language Arts and Reading, Mild/Moderate Social Studies and Reading, Mild/Moderate Mathematics and Reading and Moderate/Intensive Educational Needs.
The Deaf Education concentration prepares candidates to work with deaf and hard-of-hearing students across inclusion, itinerant, resource room, and self-contained public and residential classroom settings. Extensive field and teaching lab experiences optimize this preparation in combination with coursework in literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies that result in eligibility to be designated as a "highly qualified" teacher in deaf education, reading, and mathematics. Instructional methods are comprehensive in nature and provide the unique strategies necessary to address issues concomitant with hearing loss including language development in both English and American Sign Language, use of bilingual-bicultural methodologies, and various assistive and instructional technologies. The hierarchical coursework sequence concludes with thematic unit instruction that prepares candidates to work with the Core Curriculum to address all academic content areas as well as transition, and students with additional needs. Students must pass the Sign Language Proficiency Interview at the Intermediate level prior to graduation and are eligible for preK-12 teaching licensure through the Ohio Department of Education.
The ASL/English Interpreting concentration prepares students to work with children and adults who have hearing loss or are deaf in both educational and community settings. Graduates may apply for licensure from the State of Ohio to interpret in pre K-12. Students also receive instruction and practice necessary to interpret in community settings, including medical and mental health venues, social service offices, job sites and universities to name a few. This intensive major challenges and prepares students for the dynamic and diverse field of sign language interpreting. All of the instructors are nationally certified interpreters with extensive careers in a wide variety of venues. The coursework and instructors guide students in developing interpreting expertise, sign language fluency and professional ethics. Students have three years of ASL instruction. Coursework encompasses interpreting process models and their application; analytical approaches to professional and ethical decision-making; interpreting comparative analysis of English and ASL through the study of linguistics, discourse structures and features, pragmatics and sociolinguistic. Students learn self-assessment strategies for lifelong learning and receive guidance in preparing for the RID NIC and EIPA national certifications. Students in this concentration have over 500 hours of practicum and experience with interpreter mentors. Students qualify for the advancced interpreting practicum in their final semester by passing the sign language proficiency interview (SLPI) at the intermediate level.
The Mild/Moderate Language Arts and Reading concentration is built upon extensive field-based experiences that are connected to theory and practical application of current evidence-based technologies/strategies for teaching students with learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders and mild cognitive delays. The program includes coursework from middle and early childhood education to ensure candidates are prepared to teach across the curricular areas of reading, math, science and social studies, but also requires extended coursework in English. In addition, specialized courses in characteristics of different disability and at-risk populations, collaborating with families and other professionals, identifying and assessing strengths and areas of need, and academic and behavioral interventions ensure that candidates are responsive to the learning and social skills of individuals with disabilities. Graduates are eligible for licensure through the Ohio Department of Education to teach K-12 students with mild/moderate disabilities. Graduates are also prepared to meet requirements to be highly qualified to teach students with mild/moderate disabilities in the content areas of language arts and reading.
The Mild/Moderate Social Studies and Reading concentration is built upon extensive field-based experiences that are connected to theory and practical application of current evidence-based technologies/strategies for teaching students with learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders and mild cognitive delays. The program includes coursework from middle and early childhood education to ensure candidates are prepared to teach across the curricular areas of reading, math, science and social studies, but also requires extended coursework in history and related areas of study. In addition, specialized courses in characteristics of different disability and at-risk populations, collaborating with families and other professionals, identifying and assessing strengths and areas of need, and academic and behavioral interventions ensure that candidates are responsive to the learning and social skills of individuals with disabilities. Graduates are eligible for licensure through the Ohio Department of Education to teach K-12 students with mild/moderate disabilities. Graduates are also prepared to meet requirements to be highly qualified to teach students with mild/moderate disabilities in the content areas of social studies and reading.
The Mild/Moderate Math and Reading concentration is built upon extensive field-based experiences that are connected to theory and practical application of current evidence-based technologies/strategies for teaching students with learning disabilities, emotional and behavioral disorders and mild cognitive delays. The program includes coursework from middle and early childhood education to ensure candidates are prepared to teach across the curricular areas of reading, math, science and social studies, but also requires extended coursework in math. In addition, specialized courses in characteristics of different disability and at-risk populations, collaborating with families and other professionals, identifying and assessing strengths and areas of need, and academic and behavioral interventions ensure that candidates are responsive to the learning and social skills of individuals with disabilities. Graduates are eligible for licensure through the Ohio Department of Education to teach K-12 students with mild/moderate disabilities. Graduates are also prepared to meet requirements to be highly qualified to teach students with mild/moderate disabilities in the content areas of math and reading.
The Moderate/Intensive Intervention Educational Needs concentration is built upon extensive field-based experiences that are connected to theory and practical application of current evidence-based technologies/strategies for teaching students with significant learning and daily living needs. Students with more intensive needs include those with motor or sensory impairment, significant cognitive delays, autism spectrum disorders or multiple disabilities. The program includes preparation across curricular areas in addition to specialized coursework focused on academic accommodations, adaptive daily living skills, technology to assist with physical, communication and mobility, alternative assessment and transition from school to the world of work and adult living. Graduates are eligible for teacher licensure through the Ohio Department of Education for K-12 students with moderate/intensive needs. Graduates are also prepared to meet requirements to be highly qualified to teach students with mild/moderate disabilities in the content areas of reading.
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