The Master of Science (M.S.) in Biological Sciences–Physiology faculty and student researchers in physiology study a broad range of topics, including endocrinology, neuroscience, immunology, reproductive biology and other regulatory systems. Researchers have access to resources for physiological research—including a vivarium, tissue culture facility, confocal microscope/visualization facility, laser capture microscope, genomics and proteomics facilities—located within the Department of Biological Sciences and the School of Biomedical Sciences.
In the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Biological Sciences–Physiology, faculty and student researchers in physiology study a broad range of topics, including endocrinology, neuroscience, immunology, reproductive biology and other regulatory systems. Researchers have access to excellent resources for physiological research, including a vivarium, tissue culture facility, confocal microscope/visualization facility, laser capture microscope, genomics and proteomics facilities.
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