The Master of Science (M.S.) in Biological Sciences–Cell Biology is an individualized program of study and research that prepares students for career opportunities in teaching and research in academic, governmental and industrial settings. A core series of courses sets a rigorous foundation in theory, experimental design and technical knowledge of contemporary investigations at the cellular level of organization. Areas of research include developmental biology, cellular and developmental neuroscience, immunology, reproductive biology, cellular endocrinology and molecular genetics.
The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Biological Sciences–Cell Biology is an individualized program of study and research that prepares students for career opportunities in teaching and research in academic, governmental and industrial settings. A core series of courses gives a rigorous foundation in theory, experimental design and technical knowledge of contemporary investigations at the cellular level of organization. Areas of research include developmental biology, cellular and developmental neuroscience, immunology, reproductive biology, cellular endocrinology and molecular genetics.
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