M.F.A. General Requirements (Acting and Design/Technology): The program is an intensive, three-year, professional training program requiring the completion of 60 hours of graduate credit depending on the area of concentration. All M.F.A. students are required to take THEA 61000 during their first semester in the program, the graduate core courses THEA 61110 and THEA 61111, 6 hours of Graduate Practicum in their area of concentration (design/technology or acting), THEA 60992, 61992 and 61310-M.F.A. Culminating Project (Design/Tech) or THEA 61309 M.F.A. Comprehensive Project (Acting). Each student will be provided a graduate faculty advisor from his/her area of concentration to assure that curricular requirements in the area of specialty are met.
THEA 60992 and THEA 61992 may be completed in one of three ways (all require the advisor’s approval): (1) an internship with the Porthouse Theatre Company and an internship with another professional theatre company; or (2) internships with two professional theatre companies; or (3) two internships with the Porthouse Theatre Company.
All internships require an exit document by the on-site supervisor summarizing the duties performed, skill level attained and quality of the student’s internship work. Where possible, internships should be undertaken during the summer. Absence on internship during a semester requires prior approval by the Graduate Studies Committee.
M.F.A. Culminating Project (Design/Technology): The Culminating Project’s requirements include: documentation, portfolio presentation, and an exit interview. Documentation consists of a design analysis, process journal, relevant research and other supporting materials (photos, links to the candidate’s website, etc). The scope of work may include but not necessarily be limited to evidence of research, drawing and drafting, rendering and associated digital image, video, or audio files which will be presented at an exit interview. The topic of each M.F.A. candidate’s Culminating Project would be proposed by the candidate and based on faculty feedback from yearly portfolio and academic assessments.
The student will register for THEA 61310 M.F.A. Design and Technology Culminating Project for the student’s project assignment. The process is then documented in a format appropriate for the project and presented to the faculty advisor.
M.F.A. Comprehensive Project (Acting): Students in acting begin the comprehensive project during the second semester of study by identifying a graduate faculty advisor in the acting area. Each of the three roles in which the student is cast (from this point to the conclusion of the project) is presented to the area with the student’s rationale that the role is challenging, significant and relevant to serve as part of the comprehensive project. The student will register for THEA 61309 M.F.A. Comprehensive Project for each role approved. The process is then documented in a format appropriate for the project and presented to the faculty advisor. After each role, the student will meet with the acting area for assessment and evaluation. Upon completion of the third role, the student will compile all appropriate documentation and create a comprehensive project summary to be approved by the acting area.
Students in the returning professional track in acting focus upon one task for the M.F.A. comprehensive project. The topic proposal shall be approved by area faculty. The returning professional project completion process follows the process outlined above.
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