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Classroom and Laboratory Attendance

Attendance is expected of all students, and an instructor may require, at his/her discretion, compulsory attendance in a course, including any or all laboratory sessions, lectures or demonstrations. When the instructor does not state attendance as a compulsory requirement, students remain responsible for all material covered in that course, and all examinations and projects, including unannounced quizzes, examinations and practical performance demonstrations.

Attendance at scheduled examinations is mandatory.

Clinic Attendance

Attendance is mandatory at assigned clinical rotations, at the outpatient treatment center, at the community medicine clinics and at all the college-approved external clinical rotations and clerkship programs. Anyone making up clinic days for any reason cannot make up missed days during regularly scheduled course lectures or labs. Absence due to religious observances must be cleared, in advance, with the senior associate dean.

Students who are sick must call Office of Student Academic Support at 216-916-7484 before 9 a.m. on the day of absence. If there is no answer, students should leave a voice message or e-mail If students do not call or e-mail before 9 a.m., they must complete a three-day make-up for the one day missed. If students notify the Office of Student Academic Support in advance, they must complete a one-day make-up for the one day missed.

If students are absent due to illness, they must submit a doctor’s excuse to make up only the one day of absence. However, if students do not bring in a doctor’s excuse for the absence, a three-day automatic make-up will be implemented for the absence, and students may be subject to failure of the rotation.

All excused absences require a “Request for Student Absence from Clinic Rotation” form. At the students’ earliest convenience, they should stop by the college’s Office of Academic Support on the second floor to pick up the form. Students must have this form approved and signed by the rotation coordinator two weeks before the clinic absence. When making up the absence, this form must be completed and signed by the doctor working at clinic.

For juniors, all clinic make-up days must be completed within 30 days after the last day of the rotation. For seniors, all clinic make-up days must be completed within 60 days after the last day of the rotation. Failure to do so without prior permission and an extension given by the rotation coordinator will result in a U (unsatisfactory) grade for the rotation.