Latin - M.A. Download to printCollege
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Modern and Classical Language Studies
109 Satterfield Hall Description
The Master of Arts (M.A.) in Latin consists of two concentrations: Literature and Applied Linguistics and Pedagogy. The concentration in Applied Linguistics and Pedagogy is intended primarily for students who wish to teach in elementary and secondary schools or beginning and intermediate levels of post-secondary study, and to increase their effectiveness as teachers. Admission Requirements
Official transcript(s), goal statement, three letters of recommendation and a 5-10 page writing sample in English (research paper or essay), which should be accompanied by a signed declaration that the sample is original work and that the applicant received no help in its preparation. Please refer to the University policy for graduate admissions. Graduation Requirements
Applied Linguistics and Pedagogy: Students must successfully complete 36 semester hours of coursework and a final project, a portfolio, or a comprehensive examination. Additionally, students will complete an exit oral interview and an exit essay examination. Specific course requirements include LAT 66211 and CLAS 51006 or CLAS 51301 plus 6 hours of courses in Latin literature and Roman culture/civilization, of which 3 hours must be literature courses (12 hours). Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of this program will be able to: 1. Demonstrate skills in Latin composition, Latin comprehension, the analysis of Latin literature, and understanding of the Roman cultural context within which literature was produced. 2. Demonstrate understandings of the Roman cultural context within which historical writings were produced, demonstrate the ability to distinguish between ancient and modern cultural values and to recognize historical biases, and demonstrate the ability to use primary source materials to better understand the culture of ancient Rome. 3. Be proficient in reading Latin and will demonstrate general knowledge of the literature, history and culture of Roman civilization. Study Abroad/Away Opportunities
Students are encouraged to enroll in study-abroad programs (limit 6 hours) and in specialized workshops in advanced language or pedagogy (limit 4 hours). Departmental permission must be obtained before enrolling in such programs. |
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