The Bachelor of Science in Public Health degree broadly prepares students to enter the workforce as a public health professional or to enter an advanced program of study. Students explore the five disciplines of public health: biostatistics, environmental health, epidemiology, health policy and management and the social and behavioral sciences through general coursework and choose a concentration (listed below) to augment their degree.
The Allied Health concentration seeks to augment the career portfolio of the allied health professional or student. Students interested in this concentration must currently hold or must be actively pursuing a state licensure in an allied health field. This concentration adds depth to the students’ prior clinical experiences by adding the liberal education and public health components to broaden the professional’s career path. Students holding state licensure may be eligible to receive up to 12 hours of upper division credit for their prior experience and demonstrated competency in select areas. Students in this concentration will be exposed to broad areas of public health including epidemiology, biostatistics, environmental health, global health and health policy. Thus, preparing students to meet the increased demands for a trained and educated public health workforce. This concentration is offered 100 percent online or in person.
The Environmental and Occupational Health concentration prepares students to help reduce the burden of human illness that results from natural and man-made environmental exposures. The courses train students for a challenging, dynamic, and interdisciplinary career focused on public health risks associated with human invasion of the environment. Students learn the use of risk assessment to effect policy change, along with the administration and enforcement of environmental and public health laws. Graduates typically enter the public health workforce at local, state and national levels. They also work in academic institutions, for private industry and for international health agencies.
The Global Health concentration aims to educate students in identifying and working to address the critical public health and human needs of diverse, underserved and vulnerable populations locally and globally. Students learn the need for multidisciplinary (biological and social sciences) approaches and cooperation to address the major global public health problems. Students have the opportunity to focus on a specific aspect of global health, e.g. HIV/AIDS, health policy, health disparities, health education, environmental health, nutrition, through various elective groupings. The Global health concentration prepares students to work at entry level positions in public health with local, regional, national or international public health agencies in both public and private sectors. Students who pursue this concentration are required to participate in a study abroad experience and complete a year of foreign language.
The Health Promotion and Education concentration focuses on the social determinants of health behaviors. Such behaviors include alcohol, tobacco, other drug use, exercise, physical activity, injury and violence and sexual activity. Prevention approaches address community-level strategies to promote healthy behaviors, including media, policy and education initiatives. Students typically work in the public sector in social service agencies or non-profit agencies. There is also a demand in the private sector as large corporations actively promote healthy lifestyles among employees as a means of increasing productivity and lowering health care costs. This concentration is offered 100 percent online or in person.
The Health Services Administration concentration prepares students for entry-level positions in health care management and establishes a foundation for graduate work in health policy and management. Students analyze national and local public health infrastructure, evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of health care delivery and explore the legal and ethical issues of health care administration. Graduates enter the health care workforce as finance managers, compliance officers, patient navigators, insurance specialists and other health care managers. In addition, students are encouraged to pair this concentration with a minor. This concentration is offered 100 percent online or in person.
The Pre-Medicine, Dentistry, Osteopathy concentration includes preparatory courses for the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), the Dental Admissions Test (DAT), and other professional schools. Courses include those in the Kent Core, public health core requirements, concentration electives and general electives. The overall curriculum of the Bachelor of Science in Public Health degree program focusing on biological, social and economic determinants of health, prevention and control of diseases, introduction to biostatistics and public health research, makes this program highly desirable for admission to professional schools. The unique features of the program open new opportunities and offers competitive advantages for students seeking to enter into clinical medicine.
The Prevention and Preparedness concentration of the BSPH offers the student a unique view of public health. Courses introduce the concepts of preparedness and prevention by alerting the student to common injuries requiring first aid or ergonomic correction. The student is then introduced to hazardous materials and safety issues that are common in environmental and occupational environments. Finally, more advanced courses teach the student the practical sides of preparedness and prevention by (1) explaining the mechanisms by which chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear hazards impact public health; (2) using epidemiological methods to trace criminal activities; and (3) demonstrating how the public health practitioner partners with others in the first responder community to provide joint leadership.
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