The competitive advantage derived from the more effective use of human resource management policies, practices and procedures is the focus of the Human Resources Management minor. The minor is relevant to a variety of students who want to learn to better manage a company’s human resources in many positions after graduation, including the following: line managers who need to implement human resources policies as they hire and manage the performance of their employees; entrepreneurs who need a fundamental knowledge of human resources management to run their companies more effectively; and members of not-for-profit organizations who need to understand the basics because they rarely are able to hire human resources staff. The minor covers a range of topic areas taught from both theoretical and applied perspectives. Students are exposed to a wide array of human resources functional areas, including staffing, performance management, training, compensation, human resource information systems and employer-employee rights and responsibilities.
Type Legend: DD Diversity–Domestic; DG Diversity–Global; ELR Experiential Learning; KAD Kent Core Additional; KBS Kent Core Basic Sciences; KCM Kent Core Composition; KFA Kent Core Fine Arts: KHU Kent Core Humanities; KMC Kent Core Mathematics and Critical Reasoning; KSS Kent Core Social Sciences; WIC Writing Intensive
Please read the sections in the University Catalog on Kent Core, diversity, writing-intensive and the experiential learning requirements.
Type |
Course |
Title |
Credits |
24163 |
Principles of Management |
3 |
34180 |
Human Resource Management |
3 |
44091 |
Seminar in Human Resource Management * |
3 |
44183 |
Developing and Training Human Resources in Organizations * |
3 |
44195 |
Advanced Topics in Human Resource Management ** |
3 |
Electives: choose one of the following: |
3 |
34175 |
Dynamics of Leadership (3)
Learning to Lead (3) |
34185 |
Individual and Group Behavior (3) |
18 |
*Course offered fall semester only.
**Course offered spring semester only.
Requirement to declare the human resource management minor:
- Minimum 2.500 cumulative GPA; or if new freshman, no established GPA is required
Requirement to graduate with Human Resource Management minor:
- Minimum 2.500 GPA (including all attempts in 30000-40000 level course) is required in the minor courses
- Students should plan on four semesters to complete this minor due to sequencing and availability of courses.
- To earn a College of Business Administration minor, students must complete at least two courses in the minor at Kent State University on a graded basis. At least one of these courses must be at the upper-division (30000 or 40000) level.
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