Applied Linguistics and Pedagogy: Students must successfully complete 36 semester hours of coursework and a final project, a portfolio, or a comprehensive examination. Additionally, students will complete an exit oral interview and an exit essay examination. Specific course requirements include LAT 66211 and CLAS 51006 or CLAS 51301 plus 6 hours of courses in Latin literature and Roman culture/civilization, of which 3 hours must be literature courses (12 hours).
In addition, students must successfully complete MCLS 50660*, 60601, 60661 and 60698 (12 hours), 9 hours of graduate courses in second-language pedagogy, and 3 hours of graduate electives.
Literature: Students must successfully complete 33 semester hours of coursework plus a comprehensive final examination based on the Latin reading list or 27 semester hours of coursework plus a thesis. A minimum of 18 semester hours must be courses in Latin language and literature.
Students may combine a graduate major in Latin with a minor in another field with the approval of the adviser by completing 21 semester hours in Latin courses and 12 semester hours in another language or department. A graduate student majoring in another field may elect a minor in Latin by successfully completing 12 semester hours in Latin.
*Students who are already licensed to teach language in Ohio may, with departmental approval, substitute a graduate second-language pedagogy elective for MCLS 50660.
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