Destination Kent State
Destination Kent State
Destination Kent State is a three-part orientation program designed for first year students to familiarize them with Kent State University, and provide them with the tools necessary to enjoy a successful journey to graduation.
The three individual components include:
Destination Kent State: Advising and Registration
Advising and Registration is a required day-and-a-half, overnight program that includes an academic advising appointment to discuss course options, registration for fall classes, as well as opportunities to establish connections with other students, faculty and staff. Students complete placement assessments during their visit which will assist in making course selections. They also obtain their official Kent State identification card.
Family programming is also available to assist families in partnering with their student and KSU to make a successful transition to college. Families are welcome to stay overnight on campus. Special program opportunities are designed for adult students, students participating in the Upward Bound and STARS programs and those requesting to be registered in absentia.
Destination Kent State: Welcome Weekend
Welcome Weekend is a required three-day orientation program that occurs the weekend prior to the start of the fall semester. All new students are required to participate in the weekend events. The weekend is designed as an opportunity for students to become familiar with their new surroundings and gain valuable information and skills to prepare them for their new academic, co-curricular and extracurricular journey. Special program opportunities are designed for transfer, adult, and commuter students. Students who enroll for the spring semester are also invited to attend an orientation program offered to students prior to the beginning of the spring semester.
Destination Kent State: First Year Experience (FYE) Course
The First Year Experience course is designed to assist students in making a successful academic transition to the university through experiential and/or intellectually engaged discipline-based content.
Faculty and student instructors, academic advisors and professional staff assist students in understanding Kent State's expectations for a university community, as well as the academic requirements of the university and college. Students enrolled in the FYE course also have an opportunity to select from a variety of workshops offered through the Student Success Series to fulfill course requirements.
The First Year Experience course is required of all new freshman and transfer students with 24 or fewer hours who are less than 21 years of age at the time of their initial Kent State University enrollment. Students who have earned a GED are encouraged to enroll in the course regardless of age or credit hours earned. Special course opportunities are available for transfer and adult students.