Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC)
Department of Aerospace Studies
104 Terrace Hall
Kent State University
Kent, OH 44242
Tel: 330-672-2182
Fax: 330-672-2189
The Air Force ROTC (AFROTC) program provides professional preparation for students considering service as officers in the U.S. Air Force. The program offers information on Air Force career opportunities and the role of the military in the American society.
Courses normally are taken for academic credit as part of the students’ electives. Entering freshmen and sophomores may register for aerospace studies courses at the same time and in the same manner as they enroll in their other college courses.
The curriculum in aerospace studies is divided into two parts: the General Military Course (usually taken during the freshman and sophomore years) and the Professional Officer Course (normally taken during the junior and senior years). Air Force officers are assigned as full-time faculty members and teach all aerospace studies courses. Freshmen may register for ASTU 10101 and 10103 for the fall term and ASTU 10102 and 10104 for the spring term; sophomores may register for ASTU 20101 and 20103 for the fall term and ASTU 20102 and 20104 for the spring term. The courses include 1 hour of academic instruction and a 2-hour leadership laboratory each week. Non-scholarship students incur no military obligation when enrolled in freshman- and sophomore-level courses. Juniors will register for ASTU 30101 and 30103 for the fall term and ASTU 30102 and 30104 for the spring term. Continuing seniors in the AFROTC program will register for ASTU 40101 and 40103 for the fall term and ASTU 40102 and 40104 for the spring term. Upon accepting a scholarship or beginning the first day of the junior-level course, students must contract with AFROTC and incur a military obligation. Students may enroll in any level AFROTC academic course (except leadership laboratory) for elective credit only and not incur a military obligation. Due to the excellent leadership and management training, as well as the hands-on experience in the POC, the students are eligible to receive additional credit for activities completed while in the program.
The General Military Course
The General Military Course (GMC) is offered in four-part lower-division aerospace studies courses. Each course consists of 1 hour of academic instruction per week and 15 leadership laboratory contact hours per semester. Non-scholarship membership in the GMC affords students the opportunity to learn about the Air Force and its role in the American society. Students who do not want commissions may take the aerospace studies courses for academic credit only. There is no military obligation incurred by enrolling in the GMC.
The Professional Officer Course
The Professional Officer Course (POC) is a four-part upper-division aerospace studies course. Each course consists of 3 hours of academic instruction per week and 15 leadership laboratory contact hours per semester. Entrance into the POC is limited to qualified students desiring to compete for Air Force commissions. Enrollment in this program is based upon a cumulative GPA, physical qualifications and leadership potential.
Veterans with previous honorable, active, U.S. military service who wish to enroll in the POC may be eligible for a waiver of either the GMC or its equivalent as an entrance requirement. Veterans who meet all other requirements will be enrolled at the beginning of their junior year.
Uniforms and textbooks are provided at no charge to all students enrolled in AFROTC. Textbooks are returned upon completion of each academic year or upon withdrawal from the course. Uniforms are returned upon withdrawal from the course.
Financial Assistance
Students who demonstrate academic and leadership potential may be selected by the professor of aerospace studies to compete for scholarships. These scholarships are for two or three years, and are awarded in all majors. The scholarship award includes tuition, textbook allowance, some course fees and a monthly tax-free stipend.
Scholarship Program
Air Force ROTC students enrolled in the Professional Officer Course (juniors and seniors) who are not already on scholarship are eligible for a $450-$500-per-month stipend. Room incentive scholarships are also available.
Scholarship Statement of Understanding
Air Force ROTC scholarship recipients must meet and maintain certain academic and military retention standards and serve in the active-duty Air Force after graduation.
Aerospace Studies
Aerospace Faculty
- BAILEY, LOWELL E. JR. (LIEUTENANT COLONEL) (2006), Professor and Director
- FRYMIER, MICHAEL W. (CAPTAIN) (2008), Assistant Professor
- RIPPLE, JAMES (MAJOR) (2007), Assistant Professor