Pre-Medical/Health Sciences Programs
Pre-Medical/Health Sciences Programs
Program Requirements
Students pursuing a pre-medical/health science program must complete all of the General Requirements for the degree elected. They must also complete all the requirements for the primary major or field of concentration. Students often choose to pursue their primary major in the biological sciences, chemistry or psychology; they may, however, pursue any major in the college along with the pre-medical/health science program. The first major must be in the College of Arts and Sciences. It is not necessary to have a major in the medically related sciences in order to be admitted to medical school, but it is necessary to complete the appropriate pre-medical/health science program. Students who elect to design their own Bachelor of General Studies (B.G.S.) degree must include the appropriate pre-medical/health science program within their degree program.
Students pursuing a B.G.S. or a primary major in a nonscience field should also seek advice from the pre-medical/health science advisors in the Departments of Biological Sciences and Chemistry. Pre-medical/health science program requirements are given below, along with recommended coursework that may be taken as elective coursework or as part of a primary major.
Pre-Dentistry Advising Program