The Public Health minor integrates key aspects of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, communities and individual. Students who choose to augment their current baccalaureate major by adding the public health minor increase their awareness of emerging issues in public health, the social and behavioral aspects of preventing disease, environmental health concepts, the changing U.S. health care system, and the monitoring of diseases in the community through applied public health research.
Attribute Legend: DD Diversity-Domestic; DG Diversity-Global; ELR Experiential Learning; KAD Kent Core Additional; KBS Kent Core Basic Sciences; KCM Kent Core Composition; KFA Kent Core Fine Arts: KHU Kent Core Humanities; KMC Kent Core Mathematics and Critical Reasoning; KSS Kent Core Social Sciences; WIC Writing Intensive
Please read the sections in the University Catalog on Kent Core, diversity, writing-intensive and the experiential learning requirements.
Attribute |
Course |
Title |
Credits |
PH |
10001 |
Introduction to Public Health |
3 |
DG |
PH |
10002 |
Introduction to Global Health |
3 |
PH |
20001 |
Essentials of Epidemiology |
3 |
PH |
30005 |
Social and Behavioral Science Theories in Public Health |
3 |
PH |
30006 |
Introduction to Environmental Health and Safety |
3 |
PH |
30007 |
Prevention and Control of Disease 1 |
3 |
Choose from the following: |
3 |
PH |
30002 |
Introductory Biostatistics (3) |
PH |
30004 |
Public Health Research (3) 1 |
PH |
30012 |
Communicable Diseases (3) |
PH |
30033 |
Public Health Policy and Decision-Making (3) 1 |
PH |
40195 |
Special Topics in Public Health (1-3) |
PH |
40196 |
Individual Investigation in Public Health (1-3) |
DD |
PH |
44000 |
Health Disparities (3) |
21 |
- Students in the nursing [BSN-NURS] major may substitute NURS 40020 for PH 30007, NURS 40045 for PH 30033 and NURS 40872 for PH 30004.
Program Notes:
- Students are required to complete a minimum of 6 hours in residence at Kent State University and earn a minimum 2.000 cumulative and minor GPA to be awarded the minor in Public Health.
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