Freshman Students: Admission to pre-nursing requires the completion of high school math, biology, and chemistry. In addition, students should have at least a 2.7 overall high school grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) AND minimum ACT composite and science reasoning scores of 22 (or an SAT combined critical reading+math score of 1020). Students with an ACT composite score of 21 (SAT combined critical reading+math score of 980) need a 3.0 high school grade point average; those with an ACT composite score of 20 (SAT combined critical reading+math score of 940) need a 3.3 overall high school grade point average.
Admission check list for the sophomore Nursing Sequence:
- Students are eligible to make application during the semester in which they anticipate completing, or have completed, 30 credit hours.
- Students must have a 2.750 cumulative GPA, and a
- 2.750 GPA in the required sciences (BSCI 21010; and 21020; and 20021 or 30171; and CHEM 10050 or 10055 or 10060) to be eligible for admission.
- Students must earn a 2.000 (grade of C) in each of the prerequisite science courses (BSCI 21010; and 21020; and 20021 or 30171; and CHEM 10050 or 10055 or 10060) to be eligible for admission.
- Two recommendations, either academic or professional, are also required for admission
The admission process is competitive; acceptance is never guaranteed. The Dean may review the students’ educational files to determine if adequate progression has been made.
Transfer Students: All transfer applications to the College of Nursing must submit both college and high school transcripts to the admissions office. Sophomore sequence admission takes place in both fall and spring semesters. Transfer students can apply if they have completed 30 credit hours. In addition, students must have a 2.750 cumulative GPA in all coursework, and a 2.750 GPA in the required sciences (BSCI 21010; and 21020; and 20021 or 30171; and CHEM 10050 or 10055 or 10060 – including a grade of 2.000 or better in each course). Transfer students who have successfully completed 12 or more hours at Kent State University will be evaluated on their cumulative Kent State GPA only along with the previously described admission criteria.
- Transfer students who are requesting transfer from another accredited BSN nursing program and have completed at least one lab or clinical course must:
- Have an overall GPA of at least 3.200 on all college level coursework.
- Have at least a 2.75 GPA on the required or equivalent science courses for the College of Nursing BSN program.
- Have successfully passed all nursing courses with a "C" grade or better in the current nursing program on the first attempt.
- Be in good standing at his/her current school.
- Students should contact the college of Nursing regarding the application process and deadlines.
The admission process is competitive; acceptance is never guaranteed.
Licensed-RN: Admission to BSN for Registered Nurses concentration requires a College or diploma transcript with an earned GPA of 2.000 or higher and completion of first year science courses with a GPA of 2.000 of higher. Must have current RN License.
Admission to the Accelerated Nursing Sequence
Consideration for admission to the Accelerated Program is given to students who have work or volunteer experience in a helping profession or healthcare/patient contact related experience; completed any of the following courses: BSCI 30050, NUTR 23511, NURS 20950 and a qualifying statistics course; submitted an essay or interview (students will be informed when they apply).
- Admission checklist for the Accelerated Nursing Sequence:
- Students are eligible to make application after having achieved a bachelors degree
- 2.750 cumulative GPA from their accredited degree granting institution
- 2.750 GPA in the required sciences (BSCI 21010; and 21020; and 20021 or 30171; and CHEM 10050 or 10055 or 10060)
- Students must earn a 2.000 (grade of C) in each of the prerequisite science courses (BSCI 21010; and 21020; and 20021 or 30171; and CHEM 10050 or 10055 or CHEM 10060) to be eligible for admission
- Two recommendations, either academic or professional, are also required for admission
The admission process is competitive; acceptance is never guaranteed. The Dean may review the students’ educational files to determine if adequate progression has been made.
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