The Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) degree in Advanced Practice Nursing is comprised of 30 credits of DNP courses and 525 clinical practice hours. In addition to completion of the DNP program with a grade point average of at least 3.000, the student must complete and successfully defend a Scholarly Project to a committee that minimally includes the academic advisor and a preceptor in the healthcare community. The project must result in a manuscript suitable for publication.
Grade Point Requirement
Students must earn a course greade of B (3.000) or higher. Prior to retaking the course, the student cannot take other coures requiring it as a prerequisite. If the student retakes the course and does not earn a B (3.000) grade, he/she may be dismissed from the DNP program.
Scholarly Paper/Project
NURS 74392 Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholarly Project Practicum IV, must be completed prior to the defense of the Scholarly Project. Successful defense of the Scholarly Project is required for graduation.
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