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More College of Podiatric Medicine Policies


Background Checks and Drug Testing PDFDownload to print

Background Checks

Background check reports will be make available electronically to the College of Podiatric Medicine. 

Discrepancies in background check reports are subject to review by the Dean and could result in a student's dismissal or rescission of admission offer from the College of Podiatric Medicine. Students who refuse to submit to a background check or do not pass the background check review are subject to dismissal or rescission of admission offer from the College of Podiatric Medicine. 

Students and applicants have the right to review the information reported by the designated company for accuracy and completeness, and to request that the designated company verify that the background information provided is correct. Prior to making a final determination that will adversely affect the applicant or student, the college will provide applicants and students the opportunity to address any issues or discrepancies found in the report. 

Students who have been accepted into the program but who have yet to begin are required to complete a background check prior to matriculation (dates and deadline to be determined by the Office of Academic Services and Enrollment Analytics). 

For current students, FBI & BCI background checks are required at the following schedule:

  • February of the 2nd Year spring semester (date to be determined by the Office of Academic Services and Enrollment Analytics).
  • February of the 3rd Year spring semester (date to be determined by the Office of Academic Services and Enrollment Analytics). 

If an FBI or BCI background check comes back with a discrepancy or the statement, "May not meet employment conditions," the student is required to provide the Office of Academic Services and Enrollment Analytics with a rapsheet form. Instructions for requesting the rapsheet form will be provided to the student. 

Please note, some clinical programs may require specific background checks and/or additional documentation. 


Drug Testing

Students who have been accepted into the program but who have yet to begin are required to complete a drug test prior to matriculation (dates and deadline to be determined by the Office of Academic Services and Enrollment Analytics). 

Current students are required to complete a drug test prior to the beginning of the 3rd Year fall semester (dates and deadline to be determined by the Offfice of Academic Services and Enrollment Analytics). 

Drug test result reports will be made available electronically to the College of Podiatric Medicine. 

Drug test results are subject to review by the Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine. Positive drug screens will be cause for review by the Dean on a case by case basis and could result in a student's dismissal or rescission of admission offer from the College of Podiatric Medicine. 

Please note, additional drug tests may be required in the event of a positive result, or if required by a program for the completion of a clinical rotation.