Kent State University, a public research university, brings scholarly and creative activity and innovation to undergraduate and graduate education. A community that joins diverse students and faculty together as discoverers, creators and learners, Kent State University recognizes its responsibility to preserve and enhance its historic legacy through civil discourse and a respect for diverse viewpoints. The University strives to serve and benefit the people of Ohio and to be a national leader in the creation, dissemination and application of knowledge and in the formation of effective, responsible,and productive citizens in our increasingly complex, interconnected and diverse global community.
Kent State University has built its philosophy of undergraduate education on the dynamic relationship of knowledge, insight, engagement and responsibility. The University embraces the vision that a liberal arts education is foundational for peaceful coexistence, unity, goodwill, respect and justice between and among the citizens and institutions of this nation and other sovereign nations and peoples. Kent State graduates have developed specialized and general knowledge and skills that they are prepared to apply responsibly in new and complex settings and thereby contribute substantially to the public good.
A Kent State University undergraduate education is:
Knowledge. Study in the arts, humanities, interdisciplinary studies, languages, mathematics, sciences and social sciences provides our graduates with knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural worlds. Our graduates develop the general knowledge that is the foundation of informed judgment and life-long learning; they develop specialized understanding and appreciation for the key concepts and skills of their chosen fields.
Insight. Learning based in inquiry, evidence analysis, critical and creative thought and collaborative problem-solving provides our graduates with the intellectual and practical skills fundamental to 21st-century literacies. Information literacy, quantitative literacy, digital literacy, interpersonal skills, and aural, oral, visual and written communication skills enable our graduates to bring critical and creative insight to the construction, articulation and application of new knowledge.
Engagement. Kent State emphasizes civic, intercultural knowledge and competencies through students' direct involvement in research, creative activity, community outreach and through progressively more challenging problems, projects and standards of performance across the disciplines. Involved in scholarly and creative activity and in outreach, our students combine the intellectual and practical benefits of education for lifelong learning and engagement in our local and global communities.
Responsibility. The undergraduate education at Kent State University emphasizes critical thinking, ethical reasoning and moral judgment in conjunction with the acquisition of expertise. Kent State graduates are involved astutely and practically in diverse communities and real-world challenges and grow to become reflective, responsible and productive citizens.
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