College of Education, Health and Human Services
The Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education (ECDE) focuses on professional preparation and application of current theory, methods and practices for future teachers of pre-K-3 classrooms. Students form a cohort and complete the five-block sequence of courses while gaining teaching experiences linked to coursework. All students complete field and practicum experiences in diverse settings, including urban and inclusive programs, and accumulate approximately 1200 clock hours of field experience in preschool, kindergarten and primary classrooms. Upon successful completion of the program and passing the State of Ohio Assessment Test, student are eligible for Ohio licensure in Early Childhood, which is valid for teaching children who are typically developing, at-risk, gifted, and who have mild/moderate educational needs.
The curriculum leads to the Ohio license valid for teaching in settings for children age three through grade three.
After completing a lengthy holistic self study, the program was updated to reflect the changing nature of teaching due to globalization. 100 graduates per year who are currently in the program have the opportunity to receive their IB recognition certificate concurrent with the completion of the B.S.E. Degree.
Career Opportunities
Preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and secondary school teachers, except special education, held about 4.0 million jobs in 2006. Of the teachers in those jobs, about 1.5 million are elementary school teachers, 1.1 million are secondary school teachers, 674,000 are middle school teachers, 437,000 are preschool teachers, and 170,000 are kindergarten teachers. The vast majority work in elementary and secondary schools. Preschool teachers, except special education, are most often employed in child daycare services (59 percent), public and private educational services (16 percent), and religious organizations (15 percent). Employment of teachers is geographically distributed much the same as the population. (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Changing trends in American and international contexts reflect a growing population diversity. As such, schools that serve young children and their families find themselves increasingly challenged to meet the needs of their student’s learning. To be competitive and current an increasing number of schools in the U.S. have adopted the International Baccalaureate primary years model from which to teach. Globally, the International Baccalaureate school model is a highly sought curriculum model. Teachers will find that preparation for this prestigious award is valued throughout Europe, Canada, parts of the Middle East and Asia and in a quickly growing number of public and private schools through the Americas.
Admission Requirements
For admissions, the College of Education, Health and Human Services considers a student to have established a Kent State University GPA after the student has successfully completed a minimum of 12 Kent State University credit hours. Undergraduate students who have not completed a minimum of 12 Kent State University credit hours will be evaluated for admission into programs, Advanced Study, and the Professional Phase based on their high school GPA for new freshmen, or transfer GPA for transfer students. Once a student has successfully completed a minimum of 12 Kent State University credit hours, only the student’s Kent State overall GPA will be considered for admission into a program, Advanced Study, and Professional Phase.
As part of an enrollment management plan, early childhood majors are admitted to the program on a selective basis. A maximum of 100 students will be admitted to this program each academic year. A 2.75 overall high school grade point average is required. Students seeking admission to this program must meet all professional requirements for admission to advanced study and have a minimum overall 2.75 GPA in all previous undergraduate coursework. Because of the instituted enrollment management plan, meeting the above requirements does not automatically provide students admittance to the early childhood education major. Faculty will select the most qualified applicants based upon the number of available student spaces, students’ standardized test scores, essay, interview and overall GPA. Students should contact the Vacca Office of Student Services, 304 White Hall, during the first year of study to inquire into the procedures associated with admission to advanced study and selective admission to the Early Childhood Education program.
Students transferring from another university should meet with an academic advisor in 304 White Hall at least one semester prior to transferring. For more information about admission criteria for transfer, transitioning and former students, please visit the admissions website.
Graduation Requirements
Minimum 123 credit hours. Minimum 2.750 overall GPA. A minimum grade of C (2.000) grade is required in most courses; view the program requirements to see specific courses.
Licensure Requirement (not required for graduation):
Candidates seeking Ohio licensure are required to pass specific assessments in order to apply for licensure. Visit the Ohio Department of Education-Educator Preparation website for more information on assessments specific to licensure type. Taking and passing the licensure tests prior to graduation is encouraged but not required.
Students must apply for State of Ohio Licensure (defined by completion of all licensure program requirements) within 12 months of program completion. After 12 months, applicants must meet State approved program/licensure requirements that are in effect at the time of application. This means that students who apply after the 12 month deadline may have to take additional coursework if the content, methods courses, program requirements, or licensure requirements have changed from the catalog in force.
Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the program will be able to:
- Co-construct curriculum as a co-worker with learners and others (parents, families, colleagues and community members) to make sound decisions for learning and teaching experiences as opposed to being passive receivers of prescribed curriculum.
- Synthesize conceptual understandings of children, theory, content, technology, and sociocultural contexts into meaningful activities and opportunities for learning with all Pre-K – grade 3 students.
- Engage in the habit of self-assessment in order to continually uncover unknown possibilities in children’s learning, classroom practice, educational theory, and one’s own teaching identity in the local and global context.
- Become committed to the children and their learning, the families, and the local community while having an awareness of the global context; engage in continuous self-improvement and lifelong learning; apply skills, knowledge, and dispositions to challenge “questionable” policies that limit opportunities for all children.
- Utilize research and theory to develop varied and effective pedagogies and assessments that will positively impact all students’ learning. Learning and teaching is a transdisciplinary practice.
- Advocate as ethical leaders and moral agents striving for social justice, and who acknowledges and practices multiple, multiethnic, multicultural, multiracial, multi social and economic, and multilingual perspectives in a global society.
National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
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