The Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) degree in Advanced Practice Nursing is 71 credit hours, which comprises (a) 37 credits of DNP core courses; (b) 540 clinical practice hours; and (c) transfer from the student’s master’s degree in nursing a minimum of 34 credits of nursing and advanced practice role-specific course work, including 500 clinical hours (may be taken as a part of the DNP degree). In addition to completion of the appropriate program plan with a grade point average of at least 3.000, the student must complete and successfully defend an evidence-based project to a committee that minimally includes the academic advisor and a preceptor member of the healthcare community. Preferably, the preceptor will hold a doctoral degree. The project must result in a manuscript suitable for publication.
Grade Point Requirement
The College of Nursing complies with the University standard for Grade Point Average. Please refer to the University Catalog section on Academic Standing - Graduate Studies.
Scholarly Paper/Project
A total of 6 credit hours of NURS 76199 Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholarly Project is required culminating in an oral defense and publishable manuscript.
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