The Bachelor of Arts
General Admissions for Freshman Students: Admission Requirements at the Kent Campus: The freshman admission policy at the Kent Campus is selective. Admission decisions are based upon the following: cumulative grade point average, ACT and/or SAT scores, strength of high school college preparatory curriculum and grade trends.
The university affirmatively strives to provide educational opportunities and access to students with varied backgrounds, those with special talents and adult students who graduated from high school three or more years ago. For more information on admissions, visit the admissions website for new freshmen.
For more information about admission criteria for transfer, transitioning and former students, please visit the admissions website.
The director of the School of Visual Communication Design may impose additional requirements considered reasonable and necessary. Each transfer student will be evaluated individually in terms of his or her ability to perform within the program. A transfer applicant’s strengths and deficiencies will be considered and his or her transfer credits will reflect that consideration.
The Bachelor of Fine Arts
Admission to this program is determined upon the successful completion of the VCD Sophomore Portfolio Review and the support of the VCD faculty members. The Bachelor of Fine Arts requires a minimum 2.750 GPA in major, 2.500 GPA overall and satisfactory grade in VCD 20196 Sophomore Portfolio Review.
The School of Visual Communication Design recognizes that competence in visual design as well as intellectual capacity are necessary qualities in students who plan to prepare for a career in visual communication design. Therefore, the right is reserved to require evidence of achievement in design and related areas from all students endeavoring to enroll for the first time as majors in the school. Early admission is recommended.
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