The Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) degree in Advanced Practice Nursing is 71 hours, which comprises (a) 37 credits of DNP core courses; (b) 540 clinical practice hours; and (c) transfer from the student’s master’s degree in nursing a minimum of 34 credits of nursing and advanced practice role-specific course work, including 500 clinical hours (may be taken as a part of the DNP degree). In addition to completion of the appropriate program plan with a grade point average of at least 3.000, the student must complete and successfully defend an evidence-based project to a committee that minimally includes the academic advisor and a preceptor member of the healthcare community. Preferably, the preceptor will hold a doctoral degree. The project must result in a manuscript suitable for publication.
Grade Point Requirement
Only work of high quality is approved for graduate credit. Graduate students are expected to maintain a 3.000 average GPA in all work attempted at Kent State to qualify for graduation. A student who fails to maintain a 3.000 average is subject to dismissal. In addition, in order to qualify for graduation, a 3.000 average must be maintained for all graduate coursework. Grades below “C” (2.000) are not counted toward completion of requirements for any advanced degree, but are counted in evaluating a student’s grade point average. Only graduate course credits count toward a graduate degree.
A graduate student who receives a combination of more than 8 credit hours of “ B-“(2.700) or lower grades, or more than 4 credit hours of grades lower than “C” (2.000) is subject to dismissal. Dismissal may be recommended by the chair (or director) of the student’s department to the college dean, or the college dean may request the action of the department chair, or action may be recommended by the college dean’s designee.
Scholarly Paper/Project
A total of 6 credit hours of NURS 76199 Doctor of Nursing Practice Scholarly Project is required culminating in an oral defense and publishable manuscript.
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