Type Legend: DD Diversity–Domestic; DG Diversity–Global; ELR Experiential Learning; KAD Kent Core Additional; KBS Kent Core Basic Sciences; KCM Kent Core Composition; KFA Kent Core Fine Arts: KHU Kent Core Humanities; KMC Kent Core Mathematics and Critical Reasoning; KSS Kent Core Social Sciences; WIC Writing Intensive
Please read the sections in the University Catalog on Kent Core, diversity, writing-intensive and the experiential learning requirements.
I. |
Type |
Course |
Title |
Credits |
US |
10097 |
Destination Kent State: First Year Experience |
1 |
II. |
MAJOR PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS (37-38 credits)Courses count in major GPA |
Type |
Course |
Title |
Credits |
11121 |
Theory 1 |
3 |
11122 |
Theory 1 |
3 |
21121 |
Music Theory to 1750 1 |
3 |
21122 |
Music Theory, 1750-1900 1 |
3 |
22111 |
The Understanding of Music (music major section) |
3 |
DG |
22121 |
Music As a World Phenomenon (music major section) |
3 |
31121 |
Western Music Since 1900 |
2 |
32211 |
Music History to 1750 |
3 |
32212 |
Music History, 1750-1900 2 |
3 |
34111 |
Elementary Conducting |
2 |
Choose from the following: Major Ensemble 3 |
8 |
45111 |
University Choir (1) |
45121 |
Kent Chorus (1) |
45141 |
Kent State University Chorale (1) |
45142 |
Men's Chorus (1) |
45143 |
Women's Chorus (1) |
45212 |
Orchestra (1) |
45221 |
Concert Band (1) |
45223 |
Wind Ensemble (1) |
Choose from the following: |
1-2 |
41341 |
Jazz Improvisation I (2) |
48512 |
Improvisation (1) |
III. |
Type |
Course |
Title |
Credits |
Kent Core Composition |
6 |
Kent Core Mathematics and Critical Reasoning |
3-5 |
Kent Core Humanities |
3 |
Kent Core Social Sciences (must be from two disciplines) |
6 |
Kent Core Basic Sciences (must include one laboratory) |
6-7 |
Kent Core Additional |
6 |
IV. |
Composition (56-57) |
Instrumental (56-57) |
Piano Performance (56-57) |
Voice Performance (57) |
125 |
Important Notes:
- Minimum C (2.000) grade required in all music courses.
- Students who begin their music or music education major program as first semester freshmen are required to attend a minimum of 84 concerts or recitals. Music or music education majors who transfer from a non-music program or university must attend an average of 10 music recitals or concerts for semesters of full time enrollment.
- To graduate from Kent State University with the degree B.M. in music, it is required that students take a major field achievement test in music history and music theory during their senior year. Specific score level achievement is not required.
- Students who pass 15 credits of non-remedial academic coursework each fall and spring semester and the 1-credit First Year Experience course will accumulate 121 credits in four years. This major requires 125 credits for graduation. Students can stay on track for graduation by:
- Declaring their major as freshmen and completing all courses in sequence (bear in mind that switching majors may cause a delay in graduation);
- Prioritizing required courses above electives;
- Meeting regularly with their academic advisors to stay on track;
- Passing each required course the first time attempted and maintaining the minimal GPA for the major;
- Successfully completing more than 15 credit hours of relevant coursework (field-based work, internship) during academic semesters; and/or
- Completing relevant coursework (field-based work, internship) during summer sessions.
1. A minimum 3.000 GPA is required in music theory courses (MUS 11121, 11122, 21121, 21122) in the Composition concentration.
2. A minimum C (2.000) grade must be earned to fulfill the writing-intensive requirement.
3. Major ensemble (8 semesters and 8 credit hours): Students must enroll in a major ensemble appropriate to their major performance area each semester they are registered full time as music majors, until the semester requirement is complete. Piano performance majors satisfy the eight-semester ensemble requirement as follows: 4 credit hours of MUS 45321 Accompanying, 2 credit hours of MUS 45311 Chamber Music and 2 credit hours selected from chamber music or a major vocal or instrumental ensemble or 1 credit hour selected from chamber music or a major vocal or instrumental ensemble and DAN 28010 Dance Accompaniment Laboratory I (2 credit hours). Composition majors may use MUS 45271 New Music Ensemble for up to 4 semesters of the 8 semester requirement.
Composition Concentration
For semester-by-semester course sequencing for this program, view the 2014-2015 Roadmap.
I. CONCENTRATION REQUIREMENTS (53-54 credits) Courses count in major GPA |
Type |
Course |
Title |
Credits |
31211 |
Composition |
8 |
41131 |
Keyboard Harmony 1 |
3 |
41141 |
Sixteenth-Century Counterpoint |
3 |
41151 |
Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint 1 |
3 |
41161 |
Advanced Musical Analysis |
3 |
41211 |
Composition |
8 |
41299 |
Senior Project: Music Composition |
2 |
41321 |
Orchestration |
3 |
48251 |
Pedagogy of Music Theory 1 |
2 |
44121 |
Choral Conducting and Arranging (3)
or Instrumental Conducting and Arranging (3) |
3 |
Music Elective 2 |
3-4 |
Choose from the following: 36xxx Applied Music 3 |
12 |
3/46111 |
Applied Music—Piano (2) |
3/46311 |
Applied Music—Voice (2) |
3/46411 |
Applied Music—Violin (2) |
3/46412 |
Applied Music—Viola (2) |
3/46413 |
Applied Music—Cello (2) |
3/46414 |
Applied Music—Double Bass (2) |
3/46511 |
Applied Music—Flute (2) |
3/46512 |
Applied Music—Oboe (2) |
3/46513 |
Applied Music—Clarinet(2) |
3/46514 |
Applied Music—Bassoon (2) |
3/46515 |
Applied Music—Saxophone (2) |
3/46611 |
Applied Music—Trumpet (2) |
3/46612 |
Applied Music—Horn (2) |
3/46613 |
Applied Music—Trombone (2) |
3/46614 |
Applied Music—Euphonium (2) |
3/46615 |
Applied Music—Tuba (2) |
3/46711 |
Applied Music—Percussion(2) |
Type |
Course |
Title |
Credits |
General Elective (lower or upper-division) |
3 |
56-57 |
1. In addition to completing the required courses, students in the music composition concentration must do the following prior to taking required courses, MUS 41131, 41151 and 48251: 1). pass a theory proficiency exam, incorporating score reading, sight singing, keyboard harmony and written analysis, and 2). receive approval from the theory and composition faculty based on a portfolio of compositions.
2. If MUS 48512 is taken, take 4 credits of MUS electives.
3. Applied music (6 semesters and 12 credit hours): Students whose main instrument is piano may fulfill this requirement with piano only or can include one or two semesters with a different instrument. Students whose main instrument is not piano must take two semesters of Applied Music-Piano. A piano placement test or piano audition is required and additional remedial courses may be necessary. Students must meet the 46000-entry-level prior to graduation.
Instrumental Concentration
For semester-by-semester course sequencing for this program, view the 2014-2015 Roadmap.
CONCENTRATION REQUIREMENTS (53-54 credits) Courses count in major GPA |
Type |
Course |
Title |
Credits |
44121 |
Instrumental Conducting and Arranging |
3 |
45311 |
Chamber Music |
4 |
48257 |
Pedagogy-Instrumental |
2 |
MUS Elective (lower or upper-division) |
5-6 |
Choose from the following: Applied Music 1
16 credits at 36000 level and 16 credits at 46000 level |
32 |
3/46411 |
Applied Music—Violin (4) |
3/46412 |
Applied Music—Viola (4) |
3/46413 |
Applied Music—Cello (4) |
3/46414 |
Applied Music—Double Bass (4) |
3/46511 |
Applied Music—Flute (4) |
3/46512 |
Applied Music—Oboe (4) |
3/46513 |
Applied Music—Clarinet (4) |
3/46514 |
Applied Music—Bassoon (4) |
3/46515 |
Applied Music—Saxophone (4) |
3/46611 |
Applied Music—Trumpet (4) |
3/46612 |
Applied Music—Horn (4) |
3/46613 |
Applied Music—Trombone (4) |
3/46614 |
Applied Music—Euphonium (4) |
3/46615 |
Applied Music—Tuba (4) |
3/46711 |
Applied Music—Percussion (4) |
Choose from the following: |
4 |
27111 |
Piano Class (2) |
27112 |
Piano Class (2) |
36111 |
Applied Music-Piano (2) |
46111 |
Applied Music-Piano (2) |
Choose from the following: |
3 |
DD |
42161 |
History of Jazz (3) |
42221 |
Symphonic Literature (3) |
42222 |
Chamber Music Literature (3) |
Type |
Course |
Title |
Credits |
General Elective (lower or upper-division) |
3 |
56-57 |
1. Applied music (32 total credit hours:16 credits at 36000 level, 16 credits at 46000 level) based on instrument of acceptance into the Instrumental concentration. The 46000 level may be taken following a successful 46000 level barrier exam.
Instrumental Performance students are required to perform a half junior and a full senior recital. Applied music registration at the 46000 level is required during a degree recital semester. The senior recital may be used to satisfy the Experiential Learning Requirement (ELR).
Piano Performance Concentration
For semester-by-semester course sequencing for this program, view the 2014-2015 Roadmap.
CONCENTRATION REQUIREMENTS (53 credits) Courses count in major GPA |
Type |
Course |
Title |
Credits |
36111 |
Applied Music: Piano |
16 |
41131 |
Keyboard Harmony |
3 |
41151 |
18th-Century Counterpoint |
3 |
42241 |
Piano Literature |
3 |
46111 |
Applied Music-Piano 1 |
16 |
48211 |
Introduction to Piano Pedagogy |
2 |
48221 |
Elements of Accompanying I |
2 |
48222 |
Elements of Accompanying II |
2 |
MUS Elective (lower or upper-division) |
6 |
Type |
Course |
Title |
Credits |
General Elective(lower or upper-division) |
3-4 |
56-57 |
Piano Performance students are required to perform a half junior and a full senior recital. Applied music registration at the 46000 level is required during a degree recital semester. The senior recital may be used to satisfy the Experiential Learning Requirement (ELR).
1. The 46000 level courses may be taken following a successful 46000 level barrier exam.
Voice Performance Concentration
For semester-by-semester course sequencing for this program, view the 2014-2015 Roadmap.
CONCENTRATION REQUIREMENTS (57 credits) Courses count in major GPA |
Type |
Course |
Title |
Credits |
18611 |
Singer's Diction I |
1 |
18612 |
Singer's Diction II |
1 |
36311 |
Applied Music: Voice |
16 |
42251 |
Song Literature |
3 |
42261 |
Opera Literature |
3 |
45131 |
Opera: Singer-Actor Techniques (1) |
2 |
46311 |
Applied Music-Voice 1 |
16 |
48241 |
Voice Pedagogy |
2 |
MUS electives |
3 |
Choose from the following: |
6 |
27111 |
Piano Class (2) |
27112 |
Piano Class (2) |
36111 |
Applied Music-Piano (2) |
46111 |
Applied Music-Piano (2) |
Choose from the following: |
4 |
FR |
13201 |
Elementary French I (4) |
13202 |
Elementary French II (4) |
11201 |
Elementary German I (4) |
11202 |
Elementary German II (4) |
15201 |
Elementary Italian I (4) |
15202 |
Elementary Italian II (4) |
57 |
Voice Performance students are required to perform a half junior and a full senior recital. Applied music registration a the 46000 level is required during a degree recital semester. The senior recital may be used to satisfy the Experiential Learning Requirement (ELR).
1. The 46000 level courses may be taken following a successful 46000 level barrier exam.
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