Ed.S: Thirty semester hours of planned graduate study beyond the master’s degree is required to receive an Educational Specialist degree.
M.A. and M.Ed.:The Master of Arts (M.A.) and the Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree require a minimum of 33 semester hours of graduate coursework at the 60000 level or above. A major consisting of 18 or more semester hours in the College of Education, Health, and Human Services is required. Master's degree students have six years from the term of first enrollment to complete the program.
Ph.D: After admission to the degree program, students plan a program of study with their respective faculty advisory committee headed by their major advisor. Students’ programs may include at least one appropriate graduate-level minor or cognate as well as the major.
Licensure Requirement (not required for graduation):
Candidates seeking Ohio licensure are required to pass specific assessments in order to apply for licensure. Students should consult their advisors for specific program requirements and refer to the See Ohio Department of Education-Educator Preparation website for more information on assessments specific to licensure type.
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