Writing-Intensive Course Requirements
Writing-Intensive Course Requirements
Writing-intensive courses
Writing-intensive courses with domestic or global diversity focus
The purpose of the writing-intensive course (WIC) requirement is to assist undergraduates in becoming effective writers within their major discipline. Building on earlier writing courses, the WIC focuses on writing forms and standards used in the professional life of the discipline. Through these courses, students should understand and experience the ways in which writing shapes and enhances the acquisition and communication of knowledge.
All writing-intensive courses must meet the following criteria:
- Be designed, at least in part, to help students become effective writers in a specific discipline
- Involve a substantial amount of writing
- Provide at least one writing assignment where there is an opportunity for guided revision before grading occurs
- As part of the requirements for any baccalaureate degree, all students must satisfy the writing-intensive course requirement. At least one upper-division course from the list below must be completed with a minimum C (2.00) grade.
- Students should fulfill the requirement by taking a course in the major. In rare instances, a student may use a writing-intensive course from another discipline if approved by the student’s major department or school.