Acceptance of Transfer Credit, Student Responsibilities and Appeals Process
Acceptance of Transfer Credit, Student Responsibilities and Appeals Process
Acceptance of Transfer Credit
To recognize courses appropriately and provide equity in the treatment of incoming transfer students and students native to the receiving institution, transfer credit will be accepted for all successfully completed college-level courses completed in and after fall 2005 from Ohio state-assisted institutions of higher education. Students who successfully completed A.A. or A.S. degrees prior to fall 2005 with a 2.00 or better overall grade point average would also receive credit for all college-level course they have passed. (See Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy, Definition of Passing Grade and Appendix D.) While this reflects the baseline policy requirement, individual institutions may set equitable institutional policies that are more accepting.
Pass/fail courses, credit by examination courses, experiential learning courses and other nontraditional credit courses that meet these conditions will also be accepted and posted to the student record.
Responsibilities of Students
In order to facilitate transfer with maximum applicability of transfer credit, prospective transfer students should plan a course of study that will meet the requirements of a degree program at the receiving institution. Students should use the Transfer Module, Transfer Assurance Guides and Course Applicability System for guidance in planning the transfer process. Specifically, students should identify early in their collegiate studies and institution and major to which they desire to transfer. Furthermore, students should determine if there are language requirements or any special course requirements that can be met during the freshman or sophomore year. This will enable students to plan and pursue a course of study that will articulate with the receiving institution's major. Students are encouraged to seek further information regarding transfer from both their advisor and the college or university which they plan to transfer.
Appeals Process
Following the evaluation of a student transcript from another institution, the receiving institution shall provide the student with a statement of transfer credit applicability. At the same time, the institution must inform the student of the institution's appeals process. The process should be multi-level and responses should be issued within 30 days of the receipt of the appeal.
To recognize courses appropriately and provide equity in the treatment of incoming transfer students and students native to the receiving institution, transfer credit will be accepted for all successfully completed college-level courses completed in and after fall 2005 from Ohio state-assisted institutions of higher education. Students who successfully completed A.A. or A.S. degrees prior to fall 2005 with a 2.00 or better overall grade point average would also receive credit for all college-level course they have passed. (See Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy, Definition of Passing Grade and Appendix D.) While this reflects the baseline policy requirement, individual institutions may set equitable institutional policies that are more accepting.
Pass/fail courses, credit by examination courses, experiential learning courses and other nontraditional credit courses that meet these conditions will also be accepted and posted to the student record.
Responsibilities of Students
In order to facilitate transfer with maximum applicability of transfer credit, prospective transfer students should plan a course of study that will meet the requirements of a degree program at the receiving institution. Students should use the Transfer Module, Transfer Assurance Guides and Course Applicability System for guidance in planning the transfer process. Specifically, students should identify early in their collegiate studies and institution and major to which they desire to transfer. Furthermore, students should determine if there are language requirements or any special course requirements that can be met during the freshman or sophomore year. This will enable students to plan and pursue a course of study that will articulate with the receiving institution's major. Students are encouraged to seek further information regarding transfer from both their advisor and the college or university which they plan to transfer.
Appeals Process
Following the evaluation of a student transcript from another institution, the receiving institution shall provide the student with a statement of transfer credit applicability. At the same time, the institution must inform the student of the institution's appeals process. The process should be multi-level and responses should be issued within 30 days of the receipt of the appeal.