Undergraduate Studies (US)
Undergraduate Studies (US)
10002 Adult Student Orientation (1)
This course focuses on balancing adult roles and responsibilities with college demands. Students will sharpen learning skills and study strategies while making connections with other adult students at Kent State. S/U grading. Prerequisite: none.
10003 Reading Strategies for College Success (3)
Development of reading strategies necessary for successful completion of college coursework. Emphasis on improving reading comprehension. Hours do not count toward graduation. Prerequisite: Compass reading score of 0-55.
10006 Study Strategies for College Success (3)
Development and application of content-area reading and study strategies for successful completion of college coursework. Emphasis on application of study strategies. Hours do not count toward graduation. Prerequisite: special approval. Corequisite: PSYC 11762 or SOC 12050 or HIST 12070 or PHY 11030.
10095 Special Topics in Undergraduate Studies (1-3)*
This program, administered by the dean, is intended to encourage interdisciplinary study, to cover areas not treated adequately in traditional coursework and to make available promptly the new and significant experience of the faculty. Prerequisite: none.
10096 Individual Investigation (1-6)*
(May be repeated for a total of 6 credit hours) Experiential learning opportunity, working with a faculty member in his or her area of expertise. Prerequisite: none.
10097 Destination Kent State: First Year Experience (1)
Assists students in making a successful transition to the university through experiential or intellectually engaging discipline-based content. Required of all first year students. Not required of transfer students with 25 or more credit hours. Prerequisite: none.
20095 Special Topics in Undergraduate Studies (1-3)*
This program, administered by the dean, is intended to encourage interdisciplinary study, to cover areas not treated adequately in traditional coursework and to make available promptly the new and significant experience of the faculty. Prerequisite: none.
20193 Variable Title Workshop in Undergraduate Studies (1-3)*
(Repeated registration permitted) Workshop focused on variable topics. Prerequisite: none.
20201 Student Instructor Training (2)
This course prepares student instructors to pair with a faculty member to teach Destination Kent: First Year Experience(US 10097). This course meets for 12 weeks, including three Saturdays. S/U grading. Prerequisite: US 10001.
20202 New Student Instructor Seminar (2)
This course is required for all student instructors who are teaching Destination Kent: First Year Experience. Student development theory classroom management, communication skills, lesson planning, assertiveness training and Destination Kent: First Year Experience course content. S/U grading. Prerequisite: US 20201.
20203 Theory and Practice of Peer Tutoring (1)
Preparation for tutoring in several academic areas. Emphasis on the student-as-learner. Introduction to current learning theories. Opportunities provided to adapt learning strategy to particular disciplines. Field experience included. Prerequisite: none.
30202 Returning Student Instructor Seminar (2)
This course is required of all student instructors who are paired with a faculty member in teaching Destination Kent: First Year Experience and who have taught Destination Kent: First Year Experience previously. Extended training & resource assistance. S/U grading. Prerequisite: US 20202.
40201 University Orientation Intern (3)
Experienced student instructors selected to be student interns are required to take this course. Extended training and skill development for students who assume responsibility for assisting First Year Experience FLASH Point instructors. Prerequisite: US 20202.
40202 University Orientation Trainer (3)
Experienced student instructors selected to be university orientation trainers are required to take this course. It provides extended training and skill development for those who take on the responsibility of orientation trainer. Prerequisite: US 20202.
* Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.