Theatre (THEA)
Theatre (THEA)
11000 The Art of the Theatre (3)
Using the life-centered nature of theatre as a medium of analysis, this course is designed to develop critically engaged audience members who are aware of the impact, significance and historical relevance of the interconnection between culture and theatre performance. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and diversity requirement.
11303 The Art of Acting (3)
General introduction to acting: the actor’s instrument, sensory awareness, personal and group response, objectives and tactics. Basic scene work. Prerequisite: special approval.
11522 Introductory Lighting (3)
An introduction to the art of lighting design, historical and technical perspectives. Emphasis on principles of design within a collaborative process. Two lecture hours plus two laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: special approval.
11524 Introductory Costuming (3)
Principles, theories and basic skills of costume design and technology. Emphasis on aesthetics, the design process, fabric, construction techniques and craft materials. Two lecture hours plus two laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: special approval. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
11622 Introductory Scenery (3)
Principles, theories and basic skills of scenic design and technology. Emphasis on design elements, process of applied construction skills. Two lecture hours plus two laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: special approval. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
21016 Makeup for Stage and Screen (3)
Study of stage, TV and photographic makeup techniques and materials. Four lecture-demonstration-laboratory hours per week; special projects as assigned. Prerequisite: special approval. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
21017 Oral Interpretation (2)
Theory and practice in art of interpreting literature orally; selection of material, literary analysis and solo performance techniques. Three lecture-laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: THEA 11340 and special approval.
21095 Special Topics in Theatre (1-3)
(Repeated registration permitted). Offered irregularly when unusual resources permit a topic different from existing courses. Topic will be announced when scheduled. Prerequisite: special approval.
21111 Script Analysis (3)
Principles, theories and techniques of play script analysis for theatrical production. Prerequisite: THEA 11000.
21303 Acting Process (3)
Fundamentals of naturalistic acting and interaction; development of spontaneity, believability and a sense of truth; game playing and basic stage technique. Prerequisites: THEA 11303 or 21306 and special approval.
21306 Musical Theatre Performance I (3)*
(Repeatable for up to 12 credit hours) Performance-oriented class that will focus on techniques and styles of performance in musical theatre and cabaret from Gilbert and Sullivan to present. Prerequisite: musical theatre (THMT) major and special approval. Special fee: $75.00 flat fee—subject to change.
21501 Sophomore Portfolio Review (1)
Preparation and review of a portfolio of work, judged by the design/technology faculty at the beginning of the spring semester. Student must pass to remain in the B.F.A. design/technology program. S/U grading. Prerequisites: sophomore standing and BFA design/technology (THDT) major and at least two of the following: THEA 11522 and 11524 and 11622. Special fee: $30.00 flat fee—subject to change.
21521 Theatrical Drafting (3)
Drafting techniques for all design/technology students. Includes plans, elevations, sections, detailed drawings, light plots. Prerequisite: THEA 11622 and special approval. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change.
21621 Scene Painting (3)
Techniques of scene painting; emphasis on a variety of techniques through practical projects. Prerequisite: THEA 11622 and special approval. Special fee: $130 flat fee—subject to change.
21700 Movement I (3)
Beginning exploration in movement for the actor: body awareness, relaxation, alignment and physical conditioning. The basic study of space, energy, time, level, direction and range. Prerequisites: THEA 11303 and special approval.
21800 Voice I (3)
Breathing, physical alignment, sound and text explorations designed to develop relaxed, free and fully connected voice production for the actor. Proper use and care of the voice. Prerequisites: THEA 11303 and special approval.
21892 Entertainment Arts and Technology Internship I (5)*
(Repeatable up to 10 credit hours) Intensive professional experience in aspects of entertainment arts and technologies. Prerequisite: sophomore standing and special approval.
22092 Practicum I: Design/Tech (3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 99 credit hours) Practical experience in theatre production under faculty supervision. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Available for lower-division students only. Required of all theatre majors. Prerequisite: freshman or sophomore only and special approval.
22192 Practicum I: Performance (3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 99 credit hours) Practical experience in theatre performance under faculty supervision. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Available for lower-division students only. Required of all theatre majors. Prerequisite: freshman or sophomore only and special approval.
22292 Practicum I: Theatre Management (3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 12 credit hours) Practical experience in theatre management under faculty supervision. Prerequisite: freshman or sophomore only.
31112 History of Theatre and Drama I (3)
Theatre history and drama in Europe from antiquity through the Renaissance. Prerequisites: freshmen or sophomores only and special approval.
31113 History of Theatre and Drama II (3)
Theatre history and drama in Europe and the United States from 1660 to 1900. Prerequisite: THEA 31112 and special approval.
31114 History of Theatre and Drama III (3)
Theatre history and drama in Europe and the United States from 1900 to the present. Prerequisites: THEA 31112 and 31113 and special approval.
31303 Character and Scene Study I (3)
The development of character in the realistic scene. Prerequisites: THEA 21303 and special approval.
31304 Character and Scene Study II (3)
Further character and scene exploration; spontaneity and creative choice making. Prerequisites: THEA 31303 and special approval.
31401 Directing (3)
Theoretical and practical work in the process of play direction: the director’s mission; play analysis and design collaboration; the rehearsal process. Prerequisites: THEA 11303 and 21111 and special approval.
31501 Junior Portfolio Review (1)
Review of a portfolio of theatre and related work, and a review of the student’s academic progress and coursework judged by the design/technology faculty at the beginning of the spring semester. Student must pass to remain in the B.F.A. design/technology program. S/U grading. Prerequisites: junior standing and B.F.A. design/technology (THDT) major and special approval. Special fee: $30.00 flat fee—subject to change.
31522 Lighting Design (3)
Exploration of the tools of the lighting designer applied to design choices; frequent paper design projects. Prerequisite: THEA 11522 and special approval. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
31524 Costume Design (3)
Theory and practice of costume design. Emphasis on play text analysis, formation of concepts, use of design elements and principles, period styles. Prerequisite: THEA 11524 and special approval. Special fee: $90 flat fee—subject to change.
31525 Costume Technology (3)
Basic patterning and construction techniques used in theatrical costuming; emphasis on flat and draped patterning. Prerequisite: THEA 11524 and special approval. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
31560 Scenic Technology (3)
Basic history, theory and application of theatrical practice in scenery, properties and electrics. Three lecture hours per week and laboratory arranged. Prerequisites: THEA 11622 and 21521 and special approval. Special fee: $60 flat fee—subject to change.
31622 Scene Design (3)
Theory and practice of scene design. Emphasis on script analysis, formation of concepts, use of design elements and principles in period styles and genres. Prerequisite: THEA 11622 and special approval. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
31701 Movement II (3)
Continue movement work and physical conditioning focusing on the qualities of characterization with masks. Application of text to physical characterizations. Prerequisites: THEA 21303 and 21700 and special approval.
31801 Voice II (3)
Continuation of Voice I. Explorations involve various texts and incorporation of voice principles at a more detailed level. Prerequisites: THEA 21301 and 21800 and special approval.
41017 Reader’s Theatre (2)
Theory and practice of group interpretation through the medium of Readers Theatre; selection, adaptation and performance techniques. Three lecture-laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: THEA 21017.
41026 Playwriting (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Principles underlying playwriting for the contemporary theatre; analysis of short play form. Prerequisite: special approval. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
41027 Advanced Playwriting (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Application of principles of playwriting to the longer play and to variations from traditional realism; play analysis and composition. Prerequisite: THEA 41026 and special approval.
41093 Variable Title Workshop in Theatre (1-6)
S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
41095 Special Topics (1-3)
(Repeated registration permissible) Offered irregularly when unusual resources permit a topic different from existing courses. Topic will be announced when scheduled. Prerequisite: special approval.
41096 Independent Study in Theatre (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Selected research topics in theatre; to be elected only after all coursework in study area completed. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
41110 Theatre Criticism (3)
Four productions in the region will be used as a means of studying aesthetic and socio/historical contexts involved in the theatre event. Developing writing skills through essays about the productions will be an important part of the course. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing and special approval. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
41113 Theatre in a Multicultural America (3)
A study of theatre and drama in the Native American, Hispanic-American, African-American and Asian-American communities in the United States from 1980 to the present. Prerequisite: special approval. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
41114 Gay and Lesbian Theatre (3)
Studies of how the gay and lesbian community has been represented in theatre. Frameworks will include the history of the community, political issues, identity questions and gender theory. Prerequisite: junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
41133 Theatre and Drama in America I (3)
History of theatre and drama in America from the beginning to 1900. Prerequisites: THEA 31112 and 31113 and special approval of instructor required.
41134 Theatre and Drama in America II (3)
The history of theatre and drama in America from 1900 to the present. Prerequisites: THEA 31112 and 31113 and special approval of instructor.
41191 Variable Content Seminar: Theatre History / Literature / Theory (3)
Seminar in theatre history and literature providing an in-depth focus on selected topics such as: African-American theatre, women in theatre, politics and theatre, theatre in a multicultural society, costume history on stage/screen. Prerequisite: THEA 31112. Special course fees may be charged.
41303 Acting I Foundations/Stanislavski and Michael Chekhov (3)
The Stanislavski and Michae3l Chekhov Techniques: A thorough exploration of Stanislavski's "Method of Physical Action," and the internalization of Michael Chekhov's technique including "atmosphere," "psychological gesture," "qualities of movement." Taught in the same semester as THEA 41304. Prerequisites: THEA 31303.
41304 Acting II-Scene Study-Modern American Realism (3)
The application of the Stanislavski and Michael Chekhov Techniques to in depth scene study using the plays of Odets, Miller, Williams, Shanley and others. Prerequisite: THEA 41303.
41305 Professional Aspects: Performance (3)
A study of the practical demands and requirements of a professional acting career with particular emphasis on audition skills. Also covered: pictures and résumés, making rounds, professional unions, casting directors, agents and managers, the job market and career prospects. Prerequisites: junior standing.
41306 Professional Aspects: Design and Technology (3)
A study of the practical demands and requirements of a professional career in design and technology, including portfolio development, résumés, unions, job market, financial matters and career prospects. Use of computers as a resource and tool emphasized. Prerequisite: junior standing. Special fee: $24 flat fee—subject to change.
41307 Musical Theatre Performance II (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 6 credit hours) Advanced work in musical theatre performance techniques for junior and senior level students. Course content includes selecting appropriate musical theatre audition material and developing contrasting selections from the musical theatre repertory. Preparation for musical theatre auditions is included. Prerequisite: THEA 21306 and special approval. Special fee: $75.00 flat fee—subject to change.
41399 Senior Project (2)
An individual or group performance project developed with the acting faculty. Prerequisites: THEA 41304 and special approval.
41401 Advanced Directing (3)
Advanced work in directing for the theatre. Topics include the director as creative/interpretative artist and the director and the actor; students direct individual projects. Prerequisites: THEA 11303 and 31401 and special approval.
41501 Senior Portfolio Review (1)
Review of a portfolio of theatre and related work, and a review of the student’s academic progress, coursework and professional potential judged by the design/technology faculty at the end of the fall semester. Student must pass to remain eligible for the B.F.A. design/technology degree. S/U grading. Prerequisites: senior standing and B.F.A. design/technology (THDT) major and special approval. Special fee: $30.00 flat fee—subject to change.
41521 Advanced Lighting Technology (3)
Advanced study of the technologies used in lighting designs; instrument design, optics, dimmer and control systems, projection techniques and special effects. Prerequisite: THEA 11522. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
41522 Design Studio: Lighting (3)
Advanced study of lighting design, emphasizing artistic style and concept through a variety of design problems. Prerequisite: THEA 31522 and special approval. Special fee: $30 flat fee—subject to change.
41523 Sound Design and Technology I (3)
Sound design for the theatre, sound production, and sound reinforcement techniques. Introduction to electronic equipment: mixing consoles, amplifiers, speakers. Prerequisite: special approval.
41524 Design Studio: Costume (3)
Advanced study in costume design. Genres and styles in the context of performance spaces with an emphasis on research, practical considerations of costume production and communication between designer/shop personnel and designer/director. Prerequisite: THEA 31525 and special approval. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
41525 Props and Crafts (3)
Examination of the processes related to the creation and procurement of scenic and costume props. Prerequisites: THEA 31525 and 31622. Special fee: $110 flat fee—subject to change.
41527 Sound Design and Technology II (3)
Studies in sound design, sound production and reinforcement for live performance. Advanced software applications will be explored. Prerequisites: THEA 41523 and special approval.
41528 Theatre Sound Reinforcement (3)
Studies in the theories and practice of audio mixing in support of live vocal and musical performance. Topics include wired and wireless microphones and real-time digital processing of audio. Prerequisites: THEA 41523 and special approval.
41529 Advanced Wig and Makeup Techniques —Stage and Screen (3)
Advanced study of the process of designing and executing wigs and makeup with an emphasis on standards in the profession. Some prosthetic work required. Prerequisite: junior standing. Special fee: $80 flat fee—subject to change.
41530 Automated Stage Lighting Programming (3)
Studies in the application of automated lighting techniques to live performance emphasizing artistic style and concept through a range of programming problems. Prerequisite: junior standing and special approval.
41560 Theatre Fabrication Technology (3)
History of technical production practice, materials theory and application in scenic construction technology. Prerequisites: THEA 11622 and 21521 and special approval. Special fee: $80 flat fee—subject to change.
41620 History of Period Styles for Theatre Designers (3)
A survey of visual styles as related to historical and contemporary culture from antiquity through the 20th century with an emphasis on its application to theatrical design. Prerequisite: one of THEA 31522 or 31524 or 31622.
41621 Presentation Media (3)
Advanced process techniques in rendering, model building and design presentation for the scenic, costume and lighting designer in traditional and new media. Prerequisites: junior standing and THEA 11522 and 11524 and 11622 and 21521. Special fee: $76 flat fee—subject to change.
41622 Design Studio: Scenery (3)
Advanced study in scenic design. Explores genres, styles and performance spaces, including practical considerations. Prerequisite: THEA 31622 and special approval. Special fee: $50 flat fee—subject to change.
41623 Television Production: Lighting (3)
Studies in the process and application of designing lighting for studio and event-based television production. Prerequisites: THEA 11522 and special approval.
41701 Movement Form and Space I-The Actor's Physical Instrument (3)
Development of technical skills emphasizing the physical components of expressive action through integration of breath, voice and body conditioning. Prerequisites: THEA 31701 and special approval.
41726 Theatre Management (3)
Principles and practices of managing theatrical-producing organizations. Problems of finance, personnel, policy, program building and public relations. Production participation as assigned. Prerequisite: junior standing and special approval.
41736 Production and Stage Management (3)
Detailed investigation of the methodology used in stage managing a professional theatrical production including paperwork, rehearsals and calling a show. Prerequisite: special approval.
41801 Voice and Speech I- The Actor's Instrument (3)
The use of exercise and specific text work to explore "centering" as it relates to the vocal, physical and emotional process of the actor. Focus on extremes of emotional sounds and eliminating barriers and detrimental vocal habits/speech patterns. Prerequisites: THEA 31801 and special approval.
41808 Acting Styles I-Shakespeare (3)
The application of acting, movement, and voice and speech techniques to sonnets, monologues, soliloquies, and scenes from Shakespeare. Prerequisite: special approval.
41892 Entertainment Arts and Technology Internship II (5)
(Repeatable up to 10 credit hours) Intensive advanced professional experience in aspects of entertainment arts and technologies. Prerequisite: junior standing and special approval.
41992 Theatre Production Internship (1-6)
(Repeatable for a total of 12 credit hours) Intensive advanced training in practical aspects of production. Periodic seminars, laboratory sessions and performance in a theatre company. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: junior standing and special approval.
42092 Practicum II: Design/Tech (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 99 credit hours) Advanced practical experience in theatre production under faculty supervision. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Available for upper-division students only. Required of all theatre majors. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing and special approval.
42192 Practicum II: Performance (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 99 credit hours) Advanced practical experience in theatre performance under faculty supervision. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Available for upper-division students only. Required of all theatre majors. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing and special approval.
42292 Practicum II: Theatre Management (3)
(Repeatable for up to 12 credit hours) Advanced practical experience in theatre management under faculty/staff supervision. Available for upper-division students only. Prerequisite: special approval.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.