Sport Administration (SPAD)
Sport Administration (SPAD)
15000 Introduction to Sport Administration (2)
This course is designed to introduce students to the field of sport administration. Students will be made aware of the career options available to them in the sport management profession. All course materials, assignments and class discussions will emphasize both the understanding and application of key concepts across various aspects of the sport industry. Students will also be introduced to the sport administration major curriculum and requirements. Recommend first course in the SPAD program sequences. Prerequisite: none.
15015 Orientation to Professional Golf Management (1)
An overview of opportunities and responsibilities in the golf profession. Emphasis on concepts, techniques and practices of teaching golf skills; understanding the PGA Constitution, rules of golf, tournament golf operations and golf car fleet management. Prerequisite: special
25015 Introduction to Golf Professional Training Program (2)
An overview of the Professional Golfers Association of America’s golf professional training program (GPTP). An in-depth review of the GPTP standards emphasizing PGA level-one checkpoint requirements is provided and includes portfolio development and self-studies. Prerequisite: SPAD 15015.
25059 Sport in Society (3)
Analysis of how sport relates to the social relations and cultural values of U.S. society. Framed by a critical evaluative perspective, examining how social class, ethnicity, race and gender relations contour sport practices. Prerequisite: none.
25092 Practicum I in Sport Administration (1-3)*
(Repeated registration permissible to a 3 credit-hour maximum) A 105-hour field experience in a sport management setting. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: sport administration (SPAD) major and special approval from instructor.
25192 Practicum in Professional Golf Management I (1)
(Repeated registration permissible to a 3 credit-hour maximum) A cumulative 105 hours on-campus seminar and field experience in a professional golf management setting. Prerequisites: SPAD 15015 and 25015 and special approval.
35015 Golf Management I (2)
An in-depth study of the golf swing and teaching methodology. The sciences applied to the golf swing, laws, principles and preferences of a model swing; professional technology for golf teachers; and the importance of directed practice, drills and teaching aids. Prerequisites: SPAD 15015 and 25015 and 25192.
35021 Governance in Sport (3)
Issues of governance in amateur and professional sports. Prerequisite: none.
35025 Facility Management (3)
Overview of planning, staffing, marketing and managing sport facilities and complexes. Primary emphasis is on management, personnel and operations. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
35092 Practicum II in Sport Administration (1-3)
(Repeated registration permissible to a 3-credit-hour maximum) A 105-hour field experience in a sport management setting. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: SPAD 25092 and sport administration (SPAD) major and special approval from instructor.
35192 Practicum in Professional Golf Management II (1)
(Repeated registration is permissible to a 3 credit-hour maximum) A cumulative 105-hour field and on-campus seminar class experience in a professional golf management setting. Prerequisites: SPAD 15015 and 25015 and 25192 and special approval.
45015 Golf Management II (2)
An in-depth study of the business of golf. topics include maintaining a high performance work environment and motivating techniques for staff, delegating assignments, management performance problems, merchandise assortment plans, vendor relations, inventory management and merchandise display and promotion. Prerequisites: SPAD 15015 and 25015 and 35015.
45022 Event Planning and Production (3)
(Cross-listed with ELS 55022) Students learn the proper planning process that all sport events undergo. Students then apply these concepts in actual events that they develop and hold. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and MKTG 25010.
45023 Sport Marketing (3)
Designed around market planning, the course examines how to formulate market ideas, incorporate market research, select segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies, implement sales and promotion strategies and assess control procedures within the sport and entertainment industry. Prerequisite: MKTG 25010.
45024 Sport in Global Perspective (3)
Students critically analyze how sport relates to general features of globalization and understand the connection between global and local politics, including ethnic, religious, gender, environmental and sociospatial politics. The underlying assumption is that sport is part of a growing network of global interdependencies that bind human beings together. Prerequisite: senior standing.
45026 Sport and the Media (3)
An introduction to current scholarship and issues concerning sport and the media, including analysis of media representations with attention to gender, race, sexuality and disability; an examination of the structure of sports journalism and production; and a general analysis of the role of mediated sport in culture. As such, the roles of institutions, producers, texts and audiences and their relationships to each other are examined. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
45027 Public Relations and Promotion in Sport (3)
Issues in public relations and promotion of sport, including advertising, crisis management, sales promotion and atmospherics. Prerequisite: MKTG 25010.
45030 Sport Enterprise (3)
The capstone for sport administration majors. Designed around business planning for sport, the course examines how to formulate business ideas, select a legal form of organization, locate financing sources, assess the market, develop a human resource management system and establish budget control. Prerequisites: senior standing and special approval. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
45091 Seminar for Internship Preparation (1)
Prepares students for the internship experience in sport administration. Students must successfully complete this course before registering for internship. Prerequisites: senior standing and special approval.
45092 Internship in Sport Administration (6-12)
Supervised full-time experience providing know-ledge of overall agency operation in approved sport management setting. Fifty contact hours per credit hour. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: SPAD 45091 and senior standing and special approval.
45096 Individual Investigation in Sport Administration (1-3)
(Repeatable for a maximum of 12 credit hours) Individual investigation in sport administration. IP grade permissible. Faculty approval is required. Prerequisite: sport administration (SPAD) major and special approval.
45192 Internship in Professional Golf Management (2)
(Repeated registration permitted) Supervised full-time experience providing knowledge of overall agency operation in approved sport administration, professional golf management setting. 100 contact hours per credit hour with seminar interactive requirement. Prerequisites: SPAD 15015 and 25015 and 25192 and special approval.
46080 Sport and the Law (3)
A discussion of legal issues as they apply to the sport industry. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
46095 Special Topics in Sport Administration (1-3)
Special topics in sport administration. Course is repeatable. Prerequisite: none.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.