Sociology (SOC)
Sociology (SOC)
12050 Introduction to Sociology (3)
Scientific approach to understanding social interaction, institutions and organization. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and diversity requirements.
22100 Sociological Analysis (3)
Fundamental study of sociological analysis designed to provide awareness of theoretical and methodological concepts necessary in developing sociological perspective. Prerequisite: SOC 12050.
22570 Understanding Differences and Inequality (3)
An introduction to the cultural and structural factors creating and sustaining educational, economic and political inequality by race/ethnicity, gender, class and sexual orientation with an emphasis on issues of poverty and immigration. Prerequisite: none.
22778 Social Problems (3)
Contemporary American and global social problems and issues are analyzed from sociological perspectives. Several cases are used to illustrate the emergence, development and decline of problems in social context. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and diversity requirements.
24011 Interpersonal Relationships and Families (3)
(Cross-listed with HDFS 24011) Exploration of the sociological nature of families across the life span, focusing on structure, diversity and life-course processes, such as dating, mate selection, cohabitation, marriage, parenthood, divorce, remarriage, singlehood, widowhood, parent-child interactions, sexual orientation, inequality and difference. Prerequisite: none.
31092 Practicum in Sociology (1-3)
Individual research experience in sociology. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: SOC 32210 and junior standing.
32096 Individual Investigation in Sociology (1-3)
Readings and/or research supervised by member of sociology faculty. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing and special approval of instructor.
32210 Researching Society (3)
Survey of methods and techniques of research; research design and data gathering instruments; qualitative and quantitative analysis. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
32220 Data Analysis (3)
The use of quantitative methods in the analysis of data from social research. Emphasis on descriptive statistics. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing. Corequisite: SOC 32221.
32221 Data Analysis Laboratory (1)
Analysis of sociological data utilizing statistical and electronic data processing tools. Corequisite: SOC 32220.
32400 Individual and Society (3)
Foundations of social psychology; process of socialization; development of social and personal identities; small group and collective behavior; theories of deviance. Prerequisite: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
32510 Sociology of Work (3)
Consideration of world of work across time and cultures with special emphasis on American society. Impact of work on individuals and other social institutions. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
32560 Sociology of Families (3)
Social history of the American family. Examination of how race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class, gender and age contribute to variation in the experience and structure of family life in the U.S. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
32565 Sociology of Gays/Lesbians (3)
Examination of sexual identities, societal attitudes and debates, and differences of gender, race, age, and class in gay/lesbian communities, using both social movements and life span perspectives. Prerequisite: SOC 12050 and junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
32569 Minorities in America (3)
Study of such major American minorities as blacks, American Indians, Spanish-speaking Americans and American Jews. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
32570 Inequality in Societies (3)
Sociological analysis of stratification and inequality in societies, and the social structures that produce and maintain them. Particular emphasis on the intersections of race, class and gender in American society. Prerequisite: SOC 12050 and junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
32610 Birth, Death, and Migration (3)
Determinants and consequences of population change, with emphasis on mortality, fertility and migration. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
32673 Urban Sociology(3)
Examination of the history and development of urban areas, urban sociological theories, and selected topics such as poverty, immigration, race relations and urban planning. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
32762 Deviant Behavior (3)
Overview of classical and contemporary theories and perspectives on the nature, causes and societal management of deviant behavior. Application of theories and perspectives to modern and historical social problems, methods of punishment and policy trends in social control. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
42010 Death and Dying (3)
Theoretical perspectives and research in human death and dying. Emphasis on applied concerns in medical and helping professions. Topics include social death, death as taboo, medicalization and rationalization of death and dying and disenfranchised grief. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
42092 Internship in Sociology (3)
Application of sociological knowledge in the work setting. Assist professionals in sites including social services, hospitals, industry and government. Prerequisites: junior standing and sociology (SOC) major and 2.50 GPA and special approval.
42093 Variable Title Workshop in Sociology (1-6)
Concentrates on professional or disciplinary concerns. Specific content to vary according to needs of client groups. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
42095 Special Topics in Sociology (3)
(Repeatable for a total of 12 credit hours for majors) Offered irregularly when unusual resources and/or opportunities permit. Topic announced when scheduled. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
42126 Sociological Theories (3)
An examination of classical, modern and postmodern approaches to social theory. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
42224 Interpreting Social Data (3)
Emphasis on organizing, analyzing and interpreting actual sociological research data making use of basic descriptive and inferential statistics and computer programs. Prerequisites: SOC 32210 or 32220 and special approval.
42315 Sociology of Changing Gender Roles (3)
An examination of the institutions, institutional linkages and social processes that contribute to change and stability of traditional gender roles and the consequences of changes. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
42359 Social Movements (3)
Investigation of various movements for social change. Examines the origins, developmental characteristics and the purposes of classic and contemporary movements. Prerequisite: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
42400 Self and Identity (3)
Examines theories and research on the origin and behavioral consequences of identities, self-concept and self-esteem; also examines the relationships between identities and emotions and between self-concept and mental health. Prerequisite: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
42421 Childhood in Society (3)
How socio-historical circumstances shape the perception and experience of childhood as a distinct life stage. The process of childhood socialization in Western societies, particularly in the U.S. An exploration of the distinct role of socializing agents - parents and siblings, school, peers and media. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
42478 Adolescence in Society (3)
Consideration of the social, cultural and historical forces that shape the experience of this period of the life cycle. Includes examination of gender, class and race differences in adolescence and the significance of youth movements with an emphasis on music as a dominant expression of youth culture. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
42558 Wealth, Poverty and Power (3)
Sociological examination of economic stratification; focuses on the translation of class into power via politics, education and collective struggle. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
42561 Sociology of Religion (3)
Social context of religious ideologies and structures with special reference to religion in America. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
42562 Sociology of Mental Illness (3)
A sociology of mental health and illness; focuses on how social factors influence and are influenced by mental health status; topics include definition and measurement, social distribution, social control of mental illness, societal reaction and media coverage. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
42563 Sociology of Health and Health Care (3)
Sociological analysis of health and illness behavior; utilization of health care professions; and the organizational, community and societal systems which deal with health and illness. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
42564 Bureaucratic Organizations (3)
Analysis of structure and functioning of complex organizations in their cultural context. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
42568 Race and Ethnic Studies (3)
Sociological principles underlying racial and ethnic relations in the United States. Emphasis on social factors of prejudice, discrimination and assimilation affecting all groups. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
42575 Family Patterns: a World Perspective (3)
Cultural variability with respect to courtship, family relationships, child rearing and other patterns in primitive and literate societies. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
42577 Sociology of Family Violence (3)
Sociological analysis of theories, research and social policy concerning family violence: child abuse and neglect, spouse abuse, elderly abuse, marital rape, sexual abuse of children. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing.
42870 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Social Gerontology (3)
Examines the particular role of the practitioner unique to gerontology using case study, cross-cultural comparisons and research analysis. Recommended for students with an major or minor in gerontology. Prerequisite: junior standing and special approval.
42879 Aging in Society (3)
Analysis of demographic, sociological and sociopsychological dimensions of aging. Prerequisites: SOC 12050 and junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
43200 Social Structure and Individual Lives (3)
Examines conceptualizations for and evidence concerning the effects of social structure on various dimensions of individual lives. Prerequisite: SOC 12050 and junior standing.