Respiratory Therapy Technology (RTT)**
Respiratory Therapy Technology (RTT)**
11000 Introduction to Respiratory Therapy (2)
Provides a broad foundation in the field of respiratory therapy. Topics include: the history, career options, licensure and credentialing for therapists. In addition, students are instructed on professional behavior, legal and ethical implications of practice, documentation, communication, infection control, HIPAA standards, OSHA standards and regulations for medical gas storage. Prerequisite: respiratory therapy technology (RTT) major.
11001 Pharmacology (2)
Basic principles in respiratory care pharmacology; covers the pharmacokinetic actions of drugs. Principles of drug action include: basics of drug administration, standard drug calculations, effect on the body systems. Drugs frequently used by respiratory therapists, those used to treat critical care, and cardiovascular patients are covered. Prerequisites: PTST 10009 and RTT 11000; and respiratory therapy technology (RTT) major. Corequisite: RTT 11003.
11002 Cardiopulmonary Diseases (4)
Diseases and disorders affecting the cardiopulmonary system; emphasis in diagnosis, selection, and implementation of therapeutic modalities; the role of the respiratory therapist in treatment. Prerequisites: PTST 10009; and RTT 11001 and 11003; and respiratory therapy technology (RTT) major. Corequisite: RTT 11004.
11003 Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology (3)
Provides a solid foundation in cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology with relevant applied physiology as it relates to the profession of respiratory care. Knowledge in this course is essential for successfully completing respiratory therapy courses. Prerequisites: MATH 10024 and RTT 11000; and respiratory therapy technology (RTT) major. Corequisite: RTT 11001.
11004 Therapeutics I (5)
Introduction to patient assessment, vital signs, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy and hyperinflation therapy. There is a laboratory and clinical component to this class for skill check offs and clinical competence. Prerequisite: RTT 11001 and 11003; and respiratory therapy technology (RTT) major. Corequisite: RTT 11002.
21000 Critical Care (5)
Advanced course coving the underlying pathophysiology and management of respiratory failure, sepsis, shock and trauma. Provides a broad understanding of how to manage patients in the intensive care units utilizing ventilators, pharmacology, and fluid filled monitoring systems by indwelling catheters. Students perform hemodynamic and metabolic measurements, interpret and apply data, and learn advanced cardiac life support. There is a clinical component to this course. Prerequisites: RTT 21001 and respiratory therapy technology (RTT) major. Corequisites: RTT 21003 and 21004.
21001 Mechanical Ventilation (3)
The principles of mechanical ventilation: modes, phase variables, triggering, compliance, resistance; indications, contraindications, physiological effects, complications, hazards, assessment, monitoring, weaning and troubleshooting of mechanical ventilation. Prerequisites: RTT 11004 and respiratory therapy technology (RTT) major. Corequisite: RTT 21000.
21002 Therapeutics II (6)
Continuation of Therapeutics I including: ECGs, bronchopulmonary hygiene therapy, airway management, obtaining arterial and venous blood. In addition, this course provides and introduction to mechanical ventilation. There is a laboratory and clinical component for skill check offs and clinical competence. Prerequisites: RTT 11004 and respiratory therapy technology (RTT) major. Corequisite: RTT 21001.
21003 Perinatal and Pediatric Respiratory Therapy (2)
Development of the fetus; assessment, treatment, and evaluation of perinatal and pediatric patients requiring respiratory therapy intervention; perinatal and pediatric cardiopulmonary diseases; management of mechanical ventilation, prepares students for the perinatal/pediatric specialty exam from the NBRC. Prerequisites: RTT 21001 and respiratory therapy technology (RTT) major. Corequisites: RTT 21002 and 21004.
21004 Advanced Diagnostics (2)
Provides knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively in a pulmonary function laboratory. Topics include: pulmonary function tests, testing standards and techniques, equipment set up and utilization, analyzing test results and applying them in clinical situations is emphasized. Quality assurance for equipment and testing data. Preparation for the CPFT and RPFT credentialing examinations. Prerequisites: RTT 21001 and respiratory therapy technology (RTT) major. Corequisite: RTT 21002 and 21003.
21005 Special Fields in Respiratory Therapy (1)
Other roles for respiratory therapist out of the acute care hospital setting. Prerequisite: RTT 21004 and respiratory therapy technology (RTT) major. Corequisite: RTT 21010.
21010 Respiratory Therapy Capstone Course (5)
Contemporary issues and current trends in respiratory therapy; preparation for the CRT/RRT national board credentialing examinations. There is a clinical component to this course. Prerequisites: RTT 21004 and respiratory therapy technology (RTT) major. Corequisite: RTT 21005.
21095 Special Topics in Respiratory Therapy (1-3)
Scheduled topics of interest to students and faculty. Prerequisite: RTT 11000.
21096 Individual Investigation in Respiratory Therapy (1-3)
Readings and/or investigation of respiratory therapy topics supervised by respiratory therapy faculty. Repeatable for a total of 6 hours. Prerequisite: respiratory therapy technology (RTT) major.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.