Radiologic Technology (RADT) **
Radiologic Technology (RADT) **
14000 Introduction to Radiologic Technology (3)
Introduction to radiologic technology program, general anatomy, introduction to radiologic procedures and positioning, imaging equipment, radiographic exposure, radiation protection, professional organizations and clinical education. Lecture and lab plus clinical hours based on program requirements. Prerequisite: radiologic technology (RADT) major.
14002 Introduction to Patient Care (3)
Medicolegal aspects of patient care, ethics, nursing procedures for radiographic examinations, techniques, radiography and taking and recording vital signs. Introduction to venipuncture and clinical pharmacology. Prerequisite: RADT 14000 and HED 14020.
14004 Radiologic Physics (4)
Introduction to general physics, units and measurement, atomic structure, electricity, magnetism, electromagnetism, x-ray circuitry equipment and x-ray production. Prerequisite: RADT 14019 and radiologic technology (RADT) major. Corequisite: RADT 24024.
14010 Clinical Education I (1)
Supervised experience and observation with emphasis on clinical practice of basic skills of radiologic technology and the exams covered in Radiographic Procedures I. Competency testing begins. Students assigned to clinical education setting 24 hours per week. Prerequisite: RADT 14020 and radiologic technology (RADT) major. Corequisite: RADT 14021.
14011 Clinical Education II (1)
Continuation of Clinical Education I, with emphasis on clinical practice of content of previous courses plus digestive and urinary procedures, as well as head positioning. Students assigned to clinical education setting 24 hours per week. Prerequisite: RADT 14010 and radiologic technology (RADT) major. Corequisite: RADT 24020.
14012 Clinical Education III (1)
Continuation of Clinical Education II, with emphasis on clinical practice of content of previous courses. More emphasis on independent clinical practice of procedures previously mastered. Students assigned to clinical education setting 32 hours per week. Prerequisite: RADT
14011 and radiologic technology (RADT) major.
14013 Clinical Education IV (1)
Continuation of Clinical Education III, with emphasis on clinical practice of content of previous courses. More emphasis on independent clinical practice of procedures previously mastered. Students assigned to clinical education setting 32 hours per week. Prerequisite: RADT
14012 and radiologic technology (RADT) major.
14019 Radiographic Exposure and Imaging I (3)
Equipment used in medical imaging including radiographic x-ray tubes, filtration, beam restrictors, grids, imaging detectors used in intensifying screens and digital imaging, radiographic film and automatic processing. Prerequisite: RADT 14000 and radiologic technology (RADT) major. Corequisite: RADT 14010.
14020 Radiographic Procedures I (2)
Introduction to radiographic procedures and positioning of the chest, abdomen and hands. Lecture, lab and 16 hours of clinical education per week for 5 weeks. Prerequisite: RADT 14000 and radiologic technology (RADT) major.
14021 Radiographic Procedures II (4)
Radiographic anatomy, positioning and image evaluation of the upper and lower extremities, shoulder and pelvic girdles, bony thorax and vertebral spine. Three hours lecture and two hours lab. Prerequisite: RADT 14020 and radiologic technology (RADT) major. Corequisite: RADT 14010.
14022 Radiographic Exposure and Imaging II (3)
Aspects of radiographic quality, fluoroscopic equipment, X-ray timers and tomography. Experiments involving the factors that influence radiographic quality. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory weekly. Prerequisite: RADT 14019.
14096 Individual Investigation in Directed Readings in RADT (3)*
Student selects prescribed number of medical journals, completes questions, paper and presentation. Prerequisite: radiologic technology (RADT) major.
21095 Special Topics in Radiologic Technology (2-4)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Student participation course on topics pertinent to radiologic technology. Topics are chosen by the instructor. Students may enroll in course more than once. Prerequisite: special approval of instructor.
24000 Medical Terminology (2)
Method of construction and recognition of medical terms from Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes, word roots and combining forms. Radiologic terminology is emphasized. Prerequisite: radiologic technology (RADT) major.
24001 Radiologic Pathology (3)
Introduction to disease and injury states and their application to radiologic imaging. Each anatomical system and radiologic imaging modality is discussed. Prerequisites: BSCI 11010 and 11020; and HED 14020; and RADT 24024; and radiologic technology (RADT) major. Corequisite: RADT 24011.
24002 Radiation Protection (3)
Overview of the principles of the interaction of radiation with living systems. Factors affecting biological responses are presented, including acute and chronic effects of radiation. Overview of radiation protection including responsibilities of the radiographer for patients, personnel and the public.
Radiation health and safety requirements of federal and state regulatory and accreditation agencies and health care organizations are incorporated. Prerequisites: BSCI 11020 and RADT 14000 and radiologic technology (RADT) major.
24010 Clinical Education V (1)
Continuation of Clinical Education IV, with emphasis on clinical practice of content of previous courses. More emphasis on independent clinical practice of procedures previously mastered. Students assigned to clinical education setting 24 hours per week and rotate to special medical imaging areas. Prerequisite: RADT 14013 and radiologic technology (RADT) major.
24011 Clinical Education VI (1)
Continuation of Clinical Education V, with emphasis on clinical practice of content and previous courses. More emphasis on critical thinking, problem solving and independent clinical practice of procedures previously mastered. Students assigned to clinical education setting 24 hours per week. Prerequisites: RADT 24010 and radiologic technology (RADT) major.
24020 Radiographic Procedures III (4)
Radiographic anatomy and positioning of the gastrointestinal, biliary and urinary systems and head positioning. Prerequisite: RADT 14021 and radiologic technology (RADT) major. Corequisite: RADT 14011.
24024 Advanced Imaging (4)
The procedures and equipment used in advanced medical imaging including fluoroscopy, mammography, CT, MRI, cardiac, vascular and interventional imaging, nuclear medicine, PET imaging, diagnostic medical sonography and radiation therapy. Quality assurance is also reviewed. Prerequisite: RADT 14013 and radiologic technology (RADT) major. Corequisite: RADT 24010.
24048 Radiographic Techniques (3)
Review of radiologic technology to include patient care, anatomy and physiology, radiologic procedures, equipment and image production, radiologic physics, and radiation protection in preparation for the radiography certification exam. Prerequisites: BSCI 11020; and RADT 14002 and 14004 and 14022 and 24002 and 24020; and special approval. Registration restricted to the Ashtabula and Salem campuses.
24058 Diversified Employment (3)
Course features multiple topics in medical imaging to prepare graduates for employment in healthcare. Prerequisite: radiologic technology (RADT) major.
24096 Individual Investigation in Radiologic Technology (1)*
Directed research of special interest or need in the student’s program. A research paper will be written on an assigned topic in radiologic technology. Prerequisite: RADT 14000.
24196 Individual Investigation in Advanced Readings in RADT (3)*
Course permits scholarly activities for research, study and summary of medical journal articles. Information aids in understanding recent advancements in medical imaging. Prerequisite: radiologic technology (RADT) major.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.