Plastics Technology (PLCT)**
Plastics Technology (PLCT)**
12000 Introduction to Plastics (4)
Description of various plastics, outline of polymer chemistry, identification tests, polymerization, molecular growth and molecular weight, extrusion, injection molding, thermoforming, compression molding and related topics. Prerequisite: none.
12003 Reinforced Plastics (3)
Comprehensive review of resin systems and fiber reinforcement for use in production of FRP products. Fabrication procedures. Comparative properties. Prerequisite: PLCT 12000.
12004 Properties of Plastic Materials (3)
Study of the mechanical, electrical, optical and environmental characteristics of various plastics. Making and testing of plastic materials: impact testing, chemical testing, heat stability and electrical testing. Prerequisite: PLCT 12000.
12005 Radiation Polymer Technology I (3)
This course is an introduction to the application of radiation processing technologies on plastic materials. Systems, equipment and mechanisms are discussed. Prerequisites: PLCT 12000 and 12003.
22000 Assembly and Finishing of Plastics (3)
Bonding, printing, electroplating, vacuum metalizing, hot stamping, painting, engraving, welding, sanding and machining. Prerequisite: PLCT 12000.
22001 Plastics Product Design (3)
Plastics product design case studies from the plastics industry, from the initial concept of function through part design, tooling, production and quality assurance. Prerequisite: PLCT 12000.
22002 Plastics Tool Design (3)
Design of molds and tools for plastics processing emphasizing part design, mold design, production aids for after-finishing, quality control. Prerequisite: PLCT 12000.
22005 Plastics Manufacturing (2)
Study of plastics processing technologies including molding and extrusion processes. Behavior of plastic materials under heat and pressure will be studied. Prerequisite: PLCT 12000.
22006 Radiation Polymer Technology II (3)
Comprehensive review of structure, synthesis, transformation and radiation processing of polymeric materials. Prerequisite: PLCT 12005.
22007 Polymer Irradiation Technology (4)
Detailed investigation in radiation processing of polymeric materials including actual processing of materials with a 5 MeV accelerator. Prerequisites: PLCT 12003 and CHEM 10052.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.