Physics (PHY)
Physics (PHY)
Note 1: PHY 13001 and 13002 do not require the use of calculus.
Note: 2 PHY 23101 and 23102, which use calculus, should be taken by majors in physics, mathematics, chemistry B.S., industrial technology science option, aerospace science option and pre-engineering.
Note 3: Credit is not granted for both the PHY13001/13002 and the 23101/23102 series, nor for the PHY 13011/13012 series.
11030 Seven Ideas That Shook the Universe (3)
Description of major revolutionary physical concepts and their implications for understanding the physical universe. Not counted toward physics major. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
11660 Physical Science (3)
A course integrating basic concepts in chemistry, physics and astronomy. Prerequisite: none. Because this course represents a partial overlapping of the material in beginning courses in chemistry and physics, students should not take both PHY 11660 and either general chemistry or general physics. Ordinarily, credit is not allowed for such duplication. Any student affected by this principle should consult with the department chair of chemistry or physics. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
12000 Introductory Physics Seminar (1)
To provide a nurturing course for new physics majors, ideally to be taken in their first semester as majors. The course includes a journal club component, informational talks by industrial physicists and training in a select group of essential skills and tools for future work in the physics program. S/U grading. Prerequisite: none.
12111 Physics for Health Technologies (3)**
Basic physics applied to health technologies: measurement techniques, force and motion of solids and fluids, energy, heat, wave phenomena, electricity. Prerequisite: physical therapy assistant technology (PTST) major.
12201 Technical Physics I (3)**
Introduction to principles of physics: mechanics. Two-hour lecture/recitation and two-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisite: MATH 11010. Pre/corequisite: MATH 11022 or 19001.
12202 Technical Physics II (4)**
Introduction to principles of physics: fluids, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism. Three-hour lecture/recitation and two-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisite: PHY 12201.
12411 Introduction to Computer Hardware (3)
Laboratory-lecture course designed to introduce the computer scientist to the digital logic and memory circuits and the concepts fundamental to computer hardware. Two-hour lecture and two-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisite: none.
13001 General College Physics I (4)
Principles of mechanics, heat and sound. Three-hour lecture and one-hour recitation weekly. Corequisite: PHY 13021. Pre/corequisite: MATH 11022 or 12002 or 12021. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
13002 General College Physics II (4)
Principles of electricity and magnetism, optics and modern physics. Three-hour lecture and one-hour recitation weekly. Prerequisite: PHY 13001 or 23101. Corequisite: PHY 13022. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
13011 College Physics I (2)
Principles of classical physics, primarily mechanics. Three-hour lecture and one-hour recitation weekly. This is a flexibly scheduled course that meets concurrently with PHY 13001 for the first half of the regular term. Corequisite: PHY 13021. Pre/corequisite: MATH 11022 or 12002 or 12012 or 12021. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and the science laboratory component of the Ohio Transfer Module.
13012 College Physics II (2)
Principles of classical physics, primarily electricity and magnetism. Three-hour lecture and one-hour recitation weekly. This is a flexibly scheduled course that meets concurrently with PHY 13002 for the first half of a regular term. Prerequisite: PHY 13001 or 13011 or 23101. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and the laboratory component of the Ohio Transfer Module.
13021 General College Physics Laboratory I (1)
Introductory lab to accompany PHY 13001 or PHY 13011. Corequisite: PHY 13001 or 13011.This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
13022 General College Physics Laboratory II (1)
Introductory lab to accompany PHY 13002 or PHY 13012. Corequisite: PHY 13002 or 13012. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
20095 Special Topics (1-3)*
Topic announced when scheduled. Prerequisite: none.
21040 Physics in Entertainment and the Arts (3)
Descriptive introduction to physics underlying selected forms of art and entertainment. Examples are drawn from music, visual arts and communications media. Not counted toward requirements for major in physics. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
21041 Physics in Entertainment and the Arts Laboratory (1)
Laboratory component of PHY 21040. Two-hour laboratory weekly. Pre/corequisite: PHY 21040. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and the science laboratory component of the Ohio Transfer Module.
21430 Frontiers in Astronomy (3)
Modern description of astrophysical observations, the results of these observations and the physical principles based on them. Not counted toward requirements for major in physics. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
22564 Introduction to Materials Physics (3)
Survey of mechanical and electronic properties of materials with application in science and technology. Metals, semiconductors, ceramics, polymers and liquid crystals and other special materials will be addressed. Prerequisite: PHY 23102.
22811 Forensic Physics (4)
Fundamental physical concepts are related to various forensic activities including evidence analysis, ballistics, auto collision analysis and radioactive materials accidents. Three-hour lecture and two-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisite: none.
23101 General University Physics I (5)
Principles of mechanics, heat and sound at calculus level. Four-hour lecture/recitation and three-hour laboratory weekly. Pre/corequisite: MATH 12002.
23102 General University Physics II (5)
Principles of electricity, magnetism, light and modern physics at calculus level. Four-hour lecture/recitation and three-hour laboratory weekly. Prerequisites: PHY 13001 or 23101. Pre/corequisite: MATH 12003.
24001 Astronomy (3)
Astronomical measurements and their instruments, the solar system of planets, the sun and stars, spectra, radiation, evolution of stars, galaxies, concepts of cosmology. Not counted toward physics major. Prerequisite: MATH 11010. Pre/corequisite: MATH 11022. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
30020 Intermediate Physics Laboratory (2)
(Repeated registration permissible) Experiments in classical and modern physics are selected to accompany and to supplement junior-level physics courses. Prerequisite: 10 hours of physics. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive course requirement with approval of major department.
30095 Special Topics (1-3)
Topic announced when scheduled. Prerequisite: special approval.
32511 Electronics (4)
“Hands-on” course to give the student a working knowledge of analog electronics and of AC and DC circuits typically used by the scientist. Prerequisites: PHY 13002 or 23102; and MATH 12002.
32562 Aerodynamics (3)
Multispeed aerodynamics including topics in fluid mechanics, airfoil and wing theory, stability and control, performance and aerodynamic loads. Prerequisite: PHY 13002 or 23102.
34000 Cosmology (3)
This course will provide a quantitative introduction to modern cosmology, from the big bang to the formation of the first stars. Subjects include the evolution of the geometry and temperature of the universe, its composition and select aspects of general relativity. Prerequisite: PHY 36001.
35101 Classical Mechanics (4)
Modern description of mechanics including both Lagrangian and Hamilton formulations, with applications to central-force motion, coupled oscillations, rigid body motion and motion in non-inertial reference frames. Prerequisites: PHY 23102 and MATH 32052.
35402 Scientific Computing (2)
Solution of scientific problems with a PC using QBASIC or C language. Includes applications to integral and differential equations of physical sciences. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: 10 credit hours of physics (PHY) courses. Pre-/corequisite: MATH 32051.
35611 Microprocessor-Based Design I (3)
Microprocessors as the basis for intelligent controllers and instruments. Signal analysis, input/output, interrupt handling and data connectors. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: PHY 12411 and CS 10061.
36001 Introductory Modern Physics (3)
Special theory of relativity, Rutherford-Bohr model of atom, quantization of light, matter waves, Schroedinger equation, hydrogen atom, electron spin, multi-electron atoms. Prerequisites: MATH 12003 and PHY 23102.
36002 Applications of Modern Physics (3)
Survey of applications of twentieth century physics. Topics include molecular bonding, conducting and insulating solids, degenerate matter, quantum condensates, subatomic and subnuclear particle physics, cosmology. Prerequisite: PHY 36001.
40020 Advanced Physics Laboratory (2)
(Repeated registration permissible) Advanced experiments in classical and modern physics are selected to accompany and to supplement senior-level physics courses. Prerequisite: PHY 30020. Pre/corequisite: 6 hours of 40000-level physics courses. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive course requirement with approval of major department.
40060 Physical Literature (1-3)
Study of current or topical literature. Prerequisite: special approval.
40092 Internship in Physics (1-3)
(Repeated registration permissible) Supervised capstone experience in physics at a national laboratory, a research university, in industry or at a local research site. No more than 3 credit hours may be applied toward the major electives for physics majors. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
40093 Variable Title Workshop in Physics (1-6)
Workshop individually designed to provide instruction and training in specific areas of physics. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
40095 Special Topics (1-3)
Topic announced when scheduled. Prerequisite: special approval.
40096 Individual Investigation (1-6)
Individual projects for physics majors. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: 20 credit hours of physics (PHY) courses and special approval of department chairperson.
40099 Senior Honors Thesis (1-10)
Thesis for departmental, general or university honors must be 1-10 hours with continuous registration throughout the senior year beginning in the summer prior to the senior year. Students taking this course must consult with their department and the Honors College and receive approval prior to the first semester of the senior year. IP grade permissible. Prerequisites: Honors senior standing and special approval.
40195 Special Topics (1-3)
Topic announced when scheduled. Prerequisite: special approval.
42500 Physics of Laboratory Devices and Techniques (3)
Physics of semiconducting devices such as diodes, transistors; laboratory techniques using temperature control, vacuum pumps; X-ray, neutron, light, and electron scattering. Prerequisite: PHY 36001.
42512 General Electronic Instrumentation (4)
Laboratory-based course in digital and analog electronics, computer interfacing and computer-based technique all within context of applications in measurements, signal-to-noise enhancement and control instrumentation. Lecture two hours, laboratory four hours weekly. Prerequisite: PHY 32511.
42513 Computer Systems Design (3)
Hands-on experience in selecting and using a microcomputer-based data acquisition and control system in the science laboratory. One hour lecture, four hours laboratory weekly. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: CS 10061.
44600 Introduction to Biological Physics (3)
Introduces ideas essential to physical understanding of biological systems. Topics include: introduction to molecular components of the cell; statistical mechanics and transport in biological systems; selected topics in biophysics. Prerequisite: PHY 23102.
44802 Astrophysics (3)
Galactic structure, stellar formation and evolution, origin of the elements (or nucleosynthesis), nonoptical astronomies, and description of various cosmological theories. Prerequisites: MATH 12003.
45201 Electromagnetic Theory (4)
Properties of electric and magnetic fields developed by vector methods. Treatment of static fields in vacuum and matter. Theory of classical electromagnetic fields with emphasis on dynamic fields. Prerequisite: MATH 32052 and 16 hours of physics (PHY) courses.
45301 Thermal Physics (3)
An introduction to thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, with applications in material science and engineering. Prerequisites: PHY 36001.
45401 Mathematical Methods in Physics (4)
Consolidation of vector analysis, curvilinear coordinate systems, tensors, matrix algebra, vector spaces, common groups in physics, calculus of residues, contour integration, methods for differential equations in physics; additional topics important for physics selected from special functions, integral equations, calculus of variations. Prerequisite: MATH 32052 and senior standing.
45403 Data Analysis and Computational Physics Techniques (3)
Study of uncertainties in physical measurements. Data reduction and error analysis techniques. Monte Carlo simulation method. Least-squares fits to data. Basic computational physics techniques. Prerequisites: MATH 12003 and PHY 23102.
45501 Electromagnetic Waves and Modern Optics (3)
Interactions between light and matter from both a macroscopic and microscopic perspective; producing and controlling light; devices and spectroscopic techniques based on modern optics. Prerequisite: PHY 45201.
45612 Microprocessor-Based Design II (3)
Design, construction, programming and interfacing of microcontrollers based on a 16-bit microprocessor. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: PHY 35611.
46101 Quantum and Atomic Physics (4)
Bohr theory, wave mechanics, wave packets. Applications to barriers, oscillators, hydrogen atom, multi-electron atoms, X-rays, molecular spectra. At level of Eisberg-Resnick’s Quantum Physics. Prerequisites: PHY 36001. Pre-/corequisite: MATH 32052.
46301 Introduction to Nuclear Physics (3)
Introduction to the concepts of nuclear physics including basic properties of the atomic nucleus, experimental techniques, nuclear models and reactions, nuclear fission and fusion, and elementary particles. Prerequisites: PHY 36001. Pre-/corequisite: MATH 32052.
46401 Introduction to Solid State Physics (3)
Fundamental unifying concepts and experimental techniques needed to understand thermal, electrical and optical properties of ions and electrons in solids. Special topics of current research. Prerequisites: PHY 36002.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.