Pan-African Studies (PAS)
Pan-African Studies (PAS)
For placement and credit in foreign language courses see Arts and Sciences—Foreign Language Requirement—Placement and Credit.
10101 Elementary Kiswahili I (4)
This course is an introduction to Kiswahili in which students will learn the essentials of speaking, reading and writing the most extensively used language in East Africa. Prerequisite: none.
10102 Elementary Kiswahili II (4)
Continuation of PAS 10101, aimed at advancing students’ knowledge and communication skills in Kiswahili by introducing Kiswahili literature—short narratives, proverbs and folktales. Prerequisite: PAS 10101.
13001 Foundations of Pan-African Studies I (3)
This interdisciplinary course provides a fundamental understanding of what constitutes the Pan-African world. Prerequisite: none.
13002 Foundations of Pan-African Studies II (3)
This interdisciplinary course will introduce students to the study of the African diaspora. Prerequisite: none.
13201 Elementary Yoruba I (4)
This course is an introduction to Yoruba in which students will learn the essentials of this West African language that is also spoken in Cuba and Brazil. Students will learn tonal pronunciation and cultural conversation. Prerequisite: none.
13202 Elementary Yoruba II (4)
Continuation of PAS 13201, with emphasis on tonal pronunciation, cultural conversation and basic reading and writing skills. Prerequisite: PAS 13201.
20101 Kiswahili III (3)
Continuation of Kiswahili II, aimed at developing knowledge, competence and recognition of Kiswahili usage in all forms of Kiswahili literature. Prerequisite: PAS 10102.
20102 Kiswahili IV (3)
Continuation of Kiswahili III, aimed at developing knowledge, competence and recognition of Kiswahili usage in all forms of Kiswahili literature. Prerequisite: PAS 20101.
20200 Recovering the Past: Kent to Memphis (3)
Examines relevance of John Brown, Frederick, Loudin and Fisk Jubilee Singers, and Ida B. Wells' anti-lynching campaign today. Student travel to local Brown and Loudin sites, Harper's Ferry and Memphis. Prerequisite: none.
22000 African World Creative Writing (3-6)
Focus on creative writing and performance in the mode and performance styles of people of African descent. Students will write, perform, critique and produce original works. Prerequisite: ENG 21011.
22101 African-American Visual Artists (3)
An Afrocentric survey of visual and aural artistry, course examines cultural context and perspectives, mediums of expression, form, style, content and patronage of African-American artists from 1800. Prerequisite: none.
22200 Introduction to the African Arts (3)
Investigation of function of creative forms of artistic expression particular to experiences of Pan-African community at home and abroad. Prerequisite: none.
22201 Expressivity in African Arts (3)
An African-centered examination of the process and profession of African traditional visual artists; emphasis on sculpture, pottery, fabric, textile design, embroidery, mural decorations in two- and three-dimensional finishes. Prerequisite: PAS 22200.
23001 Black Experience I: Beginnings to 1865 (3)
Study and analysis of the African experience prior to, and following, the arrival of Africans in the New World. Emphasis on North America, South America, Africa and Caribbean. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and diversity requirements.
23002 Black Experience II: 1865 to Present (3)
The second of two parts, this course covers the period 1865 to present and is a continuation of PAS 23001. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and diversity requirements.
23201 Intermediate Yoruba I (3)
Continuation of PAS 13202, aimed at developing further competency in reading, writing and speaking. Prerequisites: PAS 13201 and 13202.
23202 Intermediate Yoruba II (3)
Continuation of PAS 23201, aimed at advanced competency speaking, writing and reading. Prerequisite: PAS 23201.
24000 Black Short Story (3)
Reading and analysis of short stories by important African, Caribbean and African-American writers, as well as an introduction to important themes in Black Literature. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or HONR 10197.
24407 Caribbean Studies (3)
Focus on people of African descent in the West Indies and their way of life for the cultural contributions made to Pan-African communities. Prerequisite: PAS 23001 or 23002. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
26000 The Legacy of Slavery (3)
Examines the legacy of slavery through literature about the Reconstruction and Jim Crow periods; the writings of Douglass, Washington, DuBois and Garvey; the impact of slavery on modern African American culture; and an investigation of the reparations issue. Prerequisite: none.
30010 African and African-American Philosophies (3)
(Cross-listed with PHIL 31070) Exploration of philosophical issues in African and African-American thought systems including examination of traditional and emerging approaches to developing conceptions of African and African-American philosophies. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
31000 Writing on the Pan-African Community Theatre (3)
This course prepares students to write and publish theatre reviews relevant to Pan-African theatre productions. Students learn the context, content and aesthetics that contribute to the uniqueness of Pan-African theatre. Prerequisite: none.
31092 Practicum in African Theatre Arts (3-6)
(Repeatable for a maximum of 12 hours) Exposes students to fundamental techniques of stage through auditory, visual and physical participation. Students are evaluated in performance and related theatre activities. Prerequisite: special approval. Special fee: $25/credit hour—subject to change.
32001 African-American Literature to 1900 (3)
(Cross-listed with ENG 33010) Study of African-American literature from its beginning to 1900, including such writers as Wheatley, J. Hammon, Terry, B. Hammon, Jones, Marrant, Allen, Hall, Walker, Truth, Garnet, Douglass, Delany, Harper, Stewart, Turner, Jacobs, Keckley, Brown, Wilson, Griggs, Chesnutt and Dunbar. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
32002 Modern African-American Literature (3)
(Cross-listed with ENG 33012) Study of African-American literature from the early twentieth century to the present. The authors include Toomer, Hughes, Larsen, Wright, Baldwin, Hansberry, Jones, Lorde, Walker, Morrison, Mosley, Youngblood and Carter. Prerequisite: ENG 21011 or HONR 10297.
32010 The Pan-African Essay (3)
Analyzes expository writing by historic and contemporary Pan-African essayists and incorporates various approaches and techniques into student writing. Prerequisite: ENG 21011. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive course requirement with approval of major department.
32050 African Literatures (3)
(Cross-listed with ENG 33015) Examines works of major 20th-century African, African American and Caribbean writers and intellectuals. Authors include Niane, Achebe, Emecheta, Prince, Hurston, Hughes, Cesaire, Senghor, Soyinka and many others. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or HONR 10197.
33100 African-American Family in Historical Perspectives (3)
Examines social, political, cultural and historical factors which have influenced the development of African-American family organization from African shores through the American experience. Prerequisite: PAS 23002. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
33101 African American History: Slavery to Freedom (3)
(Cross-listed with HIST 31080). Survey of African American history from the colonial period to 1877. Course provide a general knowledge of the social, political and cultural history of African Americans from colonial times to the end of the reconstruction. Prerequisite: none.
33102 African American History: Reconstruction to the Present (3)
(Cross-listed with HIST 31081). Survey of African American history from 1877 to the present. Course provides a general knowledge of the social, political and cultural history of African Americans from the end of the Reconstruction to the present. Prerequisite: PAS 33101 or HIST 31080.
33110 The Black Woman: Historical Perspectives (3)
This course surveys the experiences of African-American women throughout various periods of history and their roles in shaping the social, economic, political and cultural development of societies. Prerequisite: PAS 23002. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
33120 The African-American Man in Contemporary Society (3)
Focuses on various roles of the African-American man within the context of the African experience and the African diaspora. Prerequisite: PAS 23002.
33171 The African-American Community (3)
Explores problems of African-American communities: public administration, transportation, health, public finance, crime and justice, geography/Black demography and education. Prerequisite: PAS 23002. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
33200 Ancient African Cultures (3)
This course will be an introduction to the ancient cultures of Africa and their contributions to world civilization. Prerequisite: none.
33203 Kiswahili Conversation (3)
A conversation course specifically designed to enhance oral proficiency through further practice in conversation and written Kiswahili as well as discussion of culture based-texts. Prerequisite: PAS 10102.
33310 Latinos, the African Diaspora and American Society (3)
Introduction to Latino minorities. Focus on Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans and Cubans, and African influences on Latino culture. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
33508 Caribbean Social and Political Directions (3)
Twentieth-century West Indian social and political development. Emphasis on federation, independence and nationalism in the Caribbean community as a sector of the total Pan-African community. Prerequisite: PAS 24407.
34000 Introduction to African World View (3)
Investigates traditional African cosmological world views and aesthetics in global Africa. Prerequisite: PAS 23001 and 23002. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
35100 African-American Social, Political, and Economic Systems (3)
An Afrocentric approach to the interrelated social, political and economic systems of people of African descent. Prerequisite: junior standing.
35200 African Social, Political, and Economic Systems (3)
An African-centered focus on traditional African institutions as these interact with the Jihad Movements, Western European incursion, the slave trade, colonialism, independence movements and contemporary issues. Prerequisite: junior standing.
36210 African Traditional Architectural Settings (3)
An African exploration of the interplay among African worldviews, oratures and the artistry and aesthetics of traditional African communal structures. Prerequisite: none.
37000 Oral and Written Discourses in Pan-African Studies (3)
Examines the spoken and written English of African-Americans with some emphasis on mastering consensus English writing skills required in upper-division PAS courses. Prerequisite: ENG 21011. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive course requirement with approval of major department.
37100 Pan-African Women's Literature (3)
(Cross-listed with ENG 33013) Introduces students to literary works by African and Caribbean women. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or HONR 10197.
37010 Research Methods in Pan-African Studies (3)
This course will expose students to the basic components of research methods in Pan-African studies utilizing multidisciplinary approaches. Prerequisite: PAS 37000.
37020 Pan-Africanism and the Model African Union (3)
Critical examination of Pan-Africanism in the development of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), now African Union (AU). Students prepare to participate as mock delegates in the annual Model OAU/AU Summit. Prerequisite: PAS 13001 or 23002. Special fee: $150 flat fee—subject to change.
37143 The African-Brazilian Experience in Culture and Literature (3)
(Cross-listed with HIST 31143 and MCLS 37143) Interdisciplinary approach to the study of the African-Brazilian experience, from the colonial period to the present, as reflected in selected literary, sociocultural and historical texts. Course taught in English. Prerequisite: junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the diversity requirement.
37200 African-American Women's Literature (3)
(Cross-listed with ENG 33014) Introduces students to literary works by African-American women. Prerequisite: ENG 11011 or HONR 10197.
40080 Pedagogy for Pan-African Studies (3)
This course introduces both the data and methodology for understanding and presenting Africa, its geography, history, peoples, cultures and ideologies to elementary and secondary students. Prerequisite: PAS 40120.
40120 Contemporary Issues in African-American Education (3)
This course examines the interrelationship of contemporary issues and the education of people of African descent. Prerequisite: PAS 13002 or 23002.
41192 Practicum in African-American Affairs (1-12)
(Repeatable for a total of 12 hours) Guided involvements in urban areas with large African-American populations to provide experience with community service, government agencies, public and private schools, self-help organizations, etc. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
42095 Special Topics in the Literature of Pan-Africa (3)
Selected topics in orature, drama, poetry, prose, novel, and criticism in various African world experiences and settings. This course may be repeated up to 12 hours when topics varies. Prerequisites: none.
42500 Black Education in America (3)
(Repeatable for a maximum of 6 hours) Analyzes the historical, social and political perspectives of educating people of African descent in America. Prerequisite: PAS 13002 or 23002.
43095 Special Topics in Pan-African Literature, Arts and Cultures (3)
Broadens upper-division offerings in holistic study and performance in Pan-African literatures, arts and cultures. Prerequisites: none.
43300 Afro-Latin America (3)
(Cross-listed with HIST 42142). Focuses on the social, cultural and political life of the African population of Latin America, from 19th century slaves to shantytown dwellers of megacities such as Rio de Janiero. Topics include black resistance to racism, race mixture in multiculutral societies, and how employment, political participation and family organization empowered the lives of Afro-Latin women. Prerequisite: junior standing.
43320 Politics of Culture (3)
This course will address the way in which culture has been politicized. It will look at issues such as cultural relativism and objectivity in anthropological studies with reference to specific peoples and geographic areas. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive course requirement with approval of major department.
43395 Special Topics in African Diaspora Studies (3)
Study of selected topics related to people of African descent outside of the African continent including, but not limited to, the Americas and Europe. This course may be repeated up to 12 hours when the topic varies. Prerequisites: none.
45095 Special Topics in Pedagogy in Pan-African Studies (3-12)
Study of selected topics in issues, approaches and styles in the education of people of African descent in African and Western settings. This course may be repeated when the topic varies. Prerequisite: none.
47010 Theoretical Approaches to Pan-African Studies (3)
A critical analysis of the diverse approaches and underlying principles of Pan-African Studies. Prerequisite: senior standing.
47091 Senior Seminar in Pan-African Studies (3)
Students develop individual topical PAS research papers for presentation before departmental faculty, students and general public. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: Pan-African studies (PAS) major and junior or senior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive course requirement with approval of major department.
47095 Special Topics in Theoretical and Applied Research (3)
Selected topics in the intellectual, cultural, political and historical development of Pan-Africanism, its diverse theoretical approaches and multiple applications including the Organization of African Unity. This course may be repeated up to 12 hours when topic varies. Prerequisites: none.
47150 The Underground Railroad (3)
This course examines the Underground Railroad and its impact as an American phenomenon. Related to the Underground Railroad research project under the Institute of African American Affairs. Prerequisite: PAS 13002 or 23002.
49093 Variable Title Workshop in PAS (2-6)
S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
49095 Selected Topics (2 or 3)
Scheduled topic announced. Intended to encourage further study in areas not treated adequately in standard courses. Offered irregularly by available or visiting faculty. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: none.
49096 Individual Investigation (1-3)
(Repeatable once for credit) Research in areas of interest not available in departmental courses. Approval by faculty member or chairperson necessary prior to registration. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.