Nursing Technology (NRST)**
Nursing Technology (NRST)**
All nursing courses must be taken in sequence.
Students must complete 36 credit hours of the nursing curriculum with a cumulative 2.00 GPA to progress to the second year of the nursing program.
Students must achieve a C grade (2.0) or better in each nursing course in order to progress in the nursing sequence.
The Associate Degree in Nursing program, Regional Campuses, Kent State University, reserves the right to initiate changes in the program as deemed necessary for maintaining quality nursing education.
10001 Foundations of Nursing Agency (5)
Development of basic nursing skills and physical assessment. The student will begin implementation of the nursing process using Universal Self-Care Requisites as an organizational framework. Prerequisite: nursing technology (NRST) major. Special fee: $176 flat fee—subject to change.
10002 Introduction to Nursing Process (1)
Orem’s theory is used as the organizing framework. The nursing care plan format using the nursing process is presented. Prerequisite: nursing technology (NRST) major.
10003 Nursing Agency I (6)
Emphasizes broad concepts common to nursing practice. Increasingly complex skills are introduced. Care focuses on simple therapeutic self-care demands. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in all of the following: BSCI 20020; and CHEM 10054 or CHEM 10050 and 10052; and NRST 10001. Cumulative GPA of 2.0; and nursing technology (NRST) major. Special fee: $211 flat fee—subject to change.
10004 Older Adult Developmental Self-Care (2)
Age-related and pathological changes of aging. Includes nursing care approaches for older patients with health deviations. Prerequisites: admission to the nursing (NRST) program and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
10005 Therapeutic Use of Self (2)
Focus is on the self-care of individuals with emphasis on understanding human relationships in the promotion of self-care. Culture, values and past experiences as factors in communication are explored. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in all of the following: BSCI 20020; and CHEM 10054 or CHEM 10050 and 10052; and NRST 10001 and 10002. Cumulative GPA of 2.0; and nursing technology (NRST) major.
10006 Transitions in Nursing Agency (3)
Course is designed for the LPN's advanced placement to the nursing program. It includes content areas from all first-year nursing courses and will have both a theory and a campus lab. Orem's theory is introduced emphasizing the assessment of the client's self-care assets and self-care deficits. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in all of the following: BSCI 20020 and 20021 and 20022; and CHEM 10050 and 10052; or 10054. Cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher and nursing technology (NRST) major.
10007 LPN to ADN Bridge Course (2)
Course includes content areas from first-year nursing courses not covered in the statewide Articulation Model (NRST 10006 Transitions in Nursing). Prerequisite: nursing technology (NRST) or pre-nursing (PADN) major and special approval from ADN director.
10008 Paramedic to Associate Degree in Nursing Transition (5)
Serves to validate prior learning, update and enhance the student’s knowledge, begin the process of role transition, and prepare the student for advanced placement in the ADN program. Prerequisite: nursing technology (NRST) majors.
20206 Nursing Agency II (5)
Nursing care of adults with intermediate therapeutic self-care demands. Emphasis is placed on the nurse as a provider of care. Prerequisites: NRST 10003 and 10004 and 10005; and BSCI 20021 and 20022; and PSYC 11762; and NUTR 33512; and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better; and nursing technology (NRST) major. Special fee: $176 flat fee—subject to change.
20207 Psychosocial Self-Care Deficits (3)
Focus is on self-care deficits of the emotionally ill patient with emphasis on understanding human needs in relation to the abnormal behavior patterns of the adult. Emphasis continues to be placed on the therapeutic use of self in meeting psychological needs as well as the development of therapeutic communication skills. Prerequisites: NRST 10003 and 10004 and 10005; and BSCI 20021 and 20022; and PSYC 11762; and NUTR 33512; and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better; and nursing technology (NRST) major.
20208 Nursing Agency III (6)
Nursing care of individuals with complex therapeutic self-care demands. Emphasis is placed on the nurse as provider and manager of patient care. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in NRST 20206 and 20207; and NURS 20950; and ENG 11011 or HONR 101097; and SOC 12050; and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher; and nursing technology (NRST) major. Special fee: $211 flat fee—subject to change.
20209 Maternal/Newborn Development Self-Care (2)
Nursing care of the expectant and newly delivered family. The nursing approach acknowledges the mother’s self-care abilities and dependent care agent role. Health deviations related to childbearing are incorporated. Prerequisites: NRST 10003 and 10004 and 10005; and NURS 20950; and BSCI 20021 and 20022; and PSYC 11762; and NUTR 33512; and cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better; and nursing technology (NRST) major.
20210 Child and Family Development Self-Care (2)
Family-centered nursing care of children. Developmental self-care requisites and common health deviations are emphasized. Prerequisites: NRST 20206 and 20207 and NURS 20950 and ENG 11011 and SOC 12050 and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
20211 Contemporary Nursing Issues (1)
Major social, economic and educational trends are studied. The focus is on the role of the associate degree nurse as a member of the profession. Prerequisites: NRST 20206 and 20207; and NURS 20950; and ENG 11011 or HONR 10197; cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher; and nursing technology (NRST) major.
21095 Special Topics (2-4)*
Scheduled topic of interest to students and faculty. Prerequisites: none.
21096 Individual Investigation in Nursing (1-3)*
(Repeatable for a total of 18 hours) Readings and/or investigation of nursing topics supervised by nursing faculty. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval of director.
*Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.
**Courses offered only at Regional Campuses.