Music (MUS)
11111 Music Rudiments (3)
Introduction to the pitch and rhythmic aspects of music. Emphasis on aural/oral skills and music notation. No credit toward graduation for music majors or minors. Prerequisite: Music Theory Placement Test, score of 01.
11121 Theory (3)
Basic elements of music—harmonic, melodic, rhythmic—studied through analysis, composition, keyboard and ear training. Diatonic materials emphasized. Prerequisite: Music Theory Placement Test, score of 02.
11122 Theory (3)
Continuation of basic elements of music—harmonic, melodic, rhythmic—studied through analysis, composition, keyboard, singing and ear training. Chromatic materials emphasized. Prerequisite: MUS 11121 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better.
12211 Music of Western Cultures (2)
Provides a basic understanding of the elements of music embedded in a survey of types of music cultivated in Western societies including folk, popular and classical. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
12212 Music of Nonwestern Cultures (2)
A survey of the musics of traditional Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa and Oceania. Attention is given to listening skills, cultural context, organology, function and technical matters of style. May not earn credit for both MUS 12212 and 22121. Prerequisite: MUS 12211 and music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
18611 Singer’s Diction I (1)
Foundational training and performance practice in phonetics and singing diction for the English, American, Ecclesiastical Latin and Italian vocal repertoire. Prerequisite: music (MUS) major.
18612 Singer’s Diction II (1)
Foundational training and performance practice in phonetics and singing diction for the vocal repertoire of French, German and selected other languages. Prerequisite: music (MUS) major and MUS 18611 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better.
20295 Special Topics in Music (1-3)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Academic study in areas not offered adequately in the music curriculum. Topic areas are of special interest to the faculty member. Prerequisite: music (MUS) major.
21113 Music Production I (3)
A practical introduction to digital audio production, study of basic computer assisted recording, editing and music production. Prerequisite: none.
21114 Music Production II (3)
A practical study of computer assisted composition and arranging covering MIDI, sequencing, synthesis, sampling and video synchronization.
Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in MUS 21113.
21121 Music Theory to 1750 (3)
Study of Western musical style from Gregorian chant through the Baroque period. Emphasis on aural, compositional, written and keyboard approaches as appropriate to medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music. Prerequisite: MUS 11122 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better.
21122 Music Theory From 1750 to 1900 (3)
Study of Western musical style from the early classical to the late Romantic period. Emphasis on aural, compositional, written and keyboard approaches as appropriate to classical and Romantic music. Prerequisites: MUS 21121 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better
21221 Audio Recording I (3)
A study of basic live and studio recording fundamentals and techniques, including signal flow, microphones and recording equipment. Prerequisite: none.
21222 Audio Recording II (3)
A study of multi-track miking and recording techniques, session setup and management, and elements required for the reference mix. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in MUS 21221.
21341 Commercial Music Theory and Composition (3)
Application of the knowledge gained from Music Theory (MUS 11121 and 11122) to the study of popular music through practical applications, particularly with regard to composition and improvisation. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in MUS 11121 and 11122.
22111 The Understanding of Music (3)
A listening approach for the understanding of Western art music, folk and jazz. Particular attention is paid to musical styles, forms and compositional techniques as related to music history. Not open to music majors. Prerequisite: nonmusic majors. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER).
22121 Music As a World Phenomenon (3)
An introduction to music as a world phenomenon. Study of selected art, folk and popular musics from world cultures through live performances, tapes, films, video tapes and readings. No credit for both MUS 22121 and 12212. Prerequisite: none. This course may be used to satisfy the Liberal Education Requirements (LER) and diversity requirements.
23111 Music Fundamentals (3)
The study of pitch, rhythm, notation, structure and interpretation of music through performance on voice, melody instruments and accompanying instruments. Prerequisite: none.
23241 Music Teaching As a Profession (2)
Basic teaching strategies and techniques; an overview of music teaching as a career; diversity, integration, curriculum technology, classroom management, legal issues, personal skills and portfolio. Forty-five field/clinical hours required. Prerequisites: music (MUS)or music education (MUED) major and sophomore standing.
25011 University Chorus (1)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Choral ensemble which studies and performs sacred and secular music for mixed voices. Activities include performance on and off campus. Prerequisite: audition.
25131 Opera: Singer-Actor Techniques (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) Training in methods and skills necessary to the art of the singer-actor. Opera performed and prepared via study, observation and rehearsal. Prerequisite: audition.
25225 University Band (1)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Study and performance of music literature for wind band appropriate for music majors and nonmajors. Prerequisite: none.
25231 Jazz Ensemble (1)*
(Repeated registration permissible) Study and performance of music literature for jazz ensemble appropriate for music majors and nonmajors. Prerequisite: none.
25311 Chamber Music (1)*
(Repeated registration permissible) The study and performance of music for small ensembles. Prerequisite: special approval.
31111 Advanced Sight Singing (2)
Advanced sight singing and ear training. Sight singing in five clefs emphasizing vocal and instrumental works from various periods including contemporary. Prerequisite: MUS 21122.
31113 Music Production III (3)
Continuation of Music Production II, advanced sequencing, synthesis and audio editing techniques as applied to music production. Focus is on arranging. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in MUS 21113 and 21114.
31114 Music Production IV (3)
Continuation of Music production III, creating audio for short video projects including the study of time code, synchronization, electronic editing, video and film transports, Dolby stereo, equipment interfacing and future developments. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in MUS 31113.
31121 Western Music Since 1900 (2)
Class meets three hours per week. The study of Western art music since 1900 from historical and theoretical viewpoints. Emphasis on aural, listening, music composition and written skills as well as intellectual understanding. Prerequisites: MUS 21122 and 32212 both with a grade of C- (1.7) or better.
31211 Composition (2)
(Repeated registration permissible) Original composition for instrumental and vocal solos and small ensembles using shorter musical forms. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
31221 Audio Recording III (3)
A study of the elements, functions and te4chniques of digital audio multi-track mixing. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in MUS 21222.
31222 Audio Recording IV (3)
A detailed study of the tools, techniques and critical listening decisions required in creating a professional digital audio mix. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in MUS 21222.
32211 Music History to 1750 (3)
A survey of Western music history from the early Christian chants through the Baroque style. Prerequisite: MUS 12211 and 21121; and MUS 21122 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better; and junior standing.
32212 Music History 1750 to 1900 (3)
A survey of Western music history of the 18th and 19th centuries. Prerequisite: MUS 12211 and 21121 and 21122; and MUS 32211 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better; and junior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive course requirement with approval of major department.
33111 Teaching Music in the Elementary Classroom (3)
Study of music and related arts for the classroom. Development of music skills and strategies for teaching music to children in elementary schools. Three field/clinical hours are required. Prerequisites: MUS 23111, EDPF 28911, 29515, 29592 and CI 20000.
33211 Elementary and Secondary General Music (3)
Kodaly, Orff, Dalcroze and recent methods in general music. Music reading in elementary and secondary classes; cultural diversity and pedagogy for the special learner. Sixty field/clinical hours required. Taken concurrently with MUS 33212. Prerequisite: music (MUS) major.
33212 Teaching Skills in Music Education: General/Instrumental (1)
Clinical experience in the teaching of general and instrumental music in the schools. Fifteen field/clinical hours required. Taken concurrently with MUS 33211 or 43231. Prerequisites: music (MUS) major and junior standing.
33213 Teaching Skills in Music Education: Choral/Orchestral (1)
Clinical experience in the teaching of choral and orchestral music in the schools. Fifteen field/clinical hours required. Prerequisites: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major and junior standing. Corequisite: MUS 33231 or 43211.
33231 Elementary and Secondary Choral Music (3)
Choral methods, rehearsal techniques, conducting skills and literature used in elementary and secondary schools. Sixty field/clinical hours required. Taken concurrently with MUS 33213. Prerequisites: MUS 23241 and 34111.
34111 Elementary Conducting (2)
Introduction to and study of conducting: beat patterns, baton techniques, score reading, analysis and interpretive elements. Six field/clinical hours are required. Prerequisite: MUS 21121.
35213 Studio Ensemble (1)
(Repeatable for a total of 16 hours) Development of ensemble skills through small group experience performing diverse popular styles from notation, developing improvisation skills and creating arrangements from lead charts. Students must audition for the director prior to registration for the course. Prerequisite: special approval.
36913 Applied Studio Musicianship (2-4)
(Repeatable for a total of 16 hours) Development of performance proficiency in contemporary popular music styles appropriate for the performance idiom through individual instruction. students must audition for the director prior to registration for the course. Prerequisite: special approval.
40092 Music Technology Internship (2)
On-the-job experience with cooperating business in the field of music technology and preparation of a final report or an applicable project. Prerequisites: minimum grade of C (2.0) in MUS 41114 or 41222; and minimum cumulative 2.25 GPA; and music technology (MUST) major and special approval.
40295 Special Topics in Music (1-3)
(Repeatable for a total of 12 hours) Academic study in areas not offered adequately in the music curriculum. Topic areas are of special interest to the faculty member. Prerequisite: music (MUS) major.
40296 Independent Study: Music (1-3)
Individual investigation in music topics not offered as either regular coursework or beyond the scope of existing music major courses. Repeatable for credit. Prerequisites: music major and special approval.
41111 Practicum in Music Theory (2)
Ear training, sight singing and analysis in preparation for graduate-level music theory coursework. Prerequisite: special approval.
41113 Music Production V (3)
Continuation of Music Production IV, advanced sequencing, synthesis and audio editing techniques as applied to music production. Focus is on original music. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in MUS 31114.
41114 Music Production VI (3)
Continuation of Music Production V, create music to accompany a visual medium by learning fundamental to more advanced film scoring techniques. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in MUS 41113.
41131 Keyboard Harmony (3)
Theoretical skills demonstrated at the keyboard: harmonization of melodies in homophonic style, realization of figured bass, score reading, modulation and improvisation. Prerequisite: MUS 21122.
41141 Sixteenth-Century Counterpoint (3)
Two-, three-, and four-part vocal counterpoint in 16th-century style. Prerequisite: MUS 21122.
41151 Eighteenth-Century Counterpoint (3)
Technique of writing counterpoint in 18th-century style, especially that of J.S. Bach. Prerequisite: MUS 21122.
41161 Advanced Musical Analysis (3)
A study of 20th-century approaches to tonal and non-tonal musical analysis. Emphasis on familiarity with styles, nomenclature and appropriate graphic techniques. Prerequisite: MUS 31121.
41181 Acoustics and Technology in Music (2)
An introduction to acoustics and psychoacoustics in direct relationship to music, and an introduction to uses of technology in music composition, performance, notation, theory, history and pedagogy. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
41199 Senior Project: Music Theory (3)
Preparation and presentation of a senior thesis in the student’s area of expertise. Prerequisite: special approval.
41211 Composition (2-4)
(Repeated registration permissible) Study of the materials and techniques of musical composition culminating in original works based upon observable principles of unity and variety. Prerequisite: composition (COMP) or music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
41221 Audio Recording V (3)
A detailed study in digital audio production techniques and procedures, including project management, final product editing and assembly, and digital audio mastering. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in MUS 31222.
41222 Audio Recording VI (3)
A comprehensive project experience in digital audio from pre-production through the recording, mixing, mastering, assembly and post-production of a complete audio project. Prerequisite: minimum grade of C (2.0) in MUS 41221.
41230 Introduction to Electronic Music (3)
General introductory survey of electronic music, including its technology, history and aesthetics. Use of electronic media in art, music, jazz and popular music. Prerequisite: none.
41231 Techniques of Electronic Music (3)
Techniques of the composition of electronic music, including tape techniques and synthesizer techniques. Study oriented toward the facilities of the Kent State University Electronic Music Studio. Prerequisite: music (MUS) major.
41299 Senior Project: Music Composition (3)
The final composition experience prior to graduation. A recital of individually composed works must be presented. Prerequisite: MUS 41211.
41321 Orchestration (3)
Ranges, tonal possibilities, technical limitations and transpositions for all orchestral instruments. Scoring techniques and analysis of representative instrumental ensemble repertoire. Prerequisite: MUS 21122.
41341 Jazz Improvisation (2)
The development of the art of jazz improvisation through performance and analysis. Prerequisite: special approval.
41342 Jazz Arranging (2)
Arranging for the large and small jazz ensemble. Prerequisite: special approval.
42111 African Music and Cultures (3)
African music as related to social sciences and humanities. Oral traditions. Use of music recordings, tapes, musical instruments, participation in performance and group work involvement. Prerequisite: none.
42131 America’s Music (3)
Historical survey of music in America from New England psalmody to present-day compositional trends. Prerequisite: none.
42141 Folk and Traditional Music of Western Continents (3)
Study of selected music cultures of Eastern and Western Europe, and South, Central and North America. Prerequisite: none.
42151 Asian Musics (3)
Survey of Asian musics. Emphasis on art, folk and popular musics and relationships of these musics to their respective cultures. Prerequisite: none.
42161 History of Jazz (3)
The evolution of jazz from its origin to present. Prerequisite: none.
42221 Symphonic Literature (3)
Historical and stylistic survey of music for large instrumental ensemble. Prerequisite: MUS 21122.
42222 Chamber Music Literature (3)
Historical and stylistic survey of chamber music literature. Prerequisite: MUS 21122.
42241 Piano Literature (3)
Survey of keyboard and piano literature from the 16th century to the present; study of related forms and styles. Emphasis on performing, listening and analysis. Prerequisite: special approval.
42251 Song Literature (3)
A study of vocal literature from the 16th century to the present. Emphasis upon the style, interpretation and presentation of solo materials for all voice classifications. Prerequisite: MUS 32212.
42261 Opera Literature (3)
The historical development of opera from the 17th century to the present. Detailed analysis of representative works. Prerequisite: MUS 32212.
42271 Choral Literature (3)
Study of choral literature from all historical periods and styles. Prerequisite: special approval.
42357 Student Teaching and Seminar (9)
The course provides a 15-week student teaching experience. Off-campus arrangements are handled by the School of Music. S/U grading; IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: music education (MUED) major and special approval. Corequisite: MUS 49525.
43211 Secondary Instrumental Methods (3)
Secondary instrumental instruction; program organization, planning, repair, methods, choosing music, materials and teaching techniques. Sixty field/clinical hours required. Prerequisites: MUS 23241 and special approval. Corequisite: MUS 33213.
43231 Elementary and Middle School Instrumental Method (3)
Elementary and middle school instrumental instruction, program organization, rehearsal/teaching techniques, lesson plans, literature, budget/scheduling, recruiting. Sixty field/clinical hours required. Prerequisites: MUS 23241 and special approval.
43241 Marching Band Techniques and Literature (2)
Organization, administration and techniques of marching bands in the schools. Topics covered include musical styles, literature and show design. Ten field/clinical hours are required. Prerequisite: special approval.
43242 Jazz Ensemble Techniques and Literature (2)
Study of the curriculum for the jazz ensemble, including organizational and administrative procedures. Emphasis on music interpretation, jazz styles and rehearsal techniques taught through laboratory experience. Prerequisite: special approval.
43243 Vocal Jazz and Musical Theatre in the Schools (3)
History, vocal technique, style characteristics and repertoire necessary for teaching vocal jazz and African-American spirituals. Repertoire, organization and publicity for school productions of American musical theatre. Prerequisites: music (MUS) major and junior standing.
43244 Student Teaching Preparation (2)
Individualized instruction to prepare music education students to student teach. Emphasis is placed on removing deficiencies or enhancing strengths prior to student teaching. Prerequisite: special approval.
44111 Choral Conducting and Arranging (3)
Continued development of conducting technique, score reading analysis, styles, interpretation, rehearsal procedure, language pronunciation, and arranging for voices and instruments. Six field/clinical hours are required. Prerequisite: MUS 34111.
44121 Instrumental Conducting and Arranging (3)
Continued development of conducting technique, score reading, analysis, styles, interpretation, rehearsal procedure and arranging for instrumental organizations. Twelve field/clinical hours are required. Prerequisite: MUS 34111.
45111 University Choir (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) Study and performance of choral music from Renaissance through contemporary styles, large and small forms with appropriate accompaniment. Prerequisite:
special approval.
45121 Kent Chorus (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) Study and performance of choral music from Renaissance through contemporary styles, large and small forms with appropriate accompaniment. Prerequisite:
special approval.
45131 Opera: Singer-Actor Techniques (2)
(Repeated registration permissible) Training in methods and skills necessary to the art of the singer-actor. Opera performed and prepared via study, observation and rehearsal. Prerequisite:
45141 Kent State University Chorale (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) Study and performance of literature for vocal chamber ensemble from Medieval through contemporary styles with appropriate accompaniment sung in the original language. An audition is required before registering for this course. Prerequisite: special approval.
45142 Men’s Chorus (1)
A chorus of male voices. Emphasis on music literacy, vocal production, instruction, study and performance of music written for male voices. All Western music periods are represented. Experience with mixed-voice choirs also occurs. Prerequisite: special approval.
45143 Women’s Chorus (1)
A chorus of women’s voices. Emphasis on music literacy, vocal production, instruction, study and performance of music written for women’s voices. All Western music periods are represented.
Experience with mixed-voice choirs also occurs. Prerequisite: special approval.
45151 Kent State University Gospel Choir (1)
(Repeated registration permitted) Study and performance of choral music in the gospel tradition, including works by contemporary artists. One weekly rehearsal and a minimum of one concert per semester. Off-campus concerts are possible.
Prerequisite: none.
45212 Orchestra (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) A select group of instrumentalists for the purpose of studying and performing music written specifically for chamber orchestra including works of the 17th, 18th and 20th centuries. An audition is required before registering for this course. Prerequisite: special approval.
45221 Concert Band (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) Study and performance of music literature for wind band. Prerequisite: special approval.
45222 Marching Band (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) Study and performance of literature and maneuvers for marching band. Prerequisite: special approval.
45223 Wind Ensemble (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) A select concert ensemble that performs the finest in wind instrument literature with emphasis on major original works. An audition is required before registering for this course. Prerequisite: special approval.
45224 Basketball Band (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) Study and performance of music for the basketball band. Prerequisite: special approval.
45225 University Band (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) Study and performance of music literature for wind band appropriate for nonmusic majors, and for music education majors performing on secondary instruments. Prerequisite: none.
45231 Jazz Ensemble (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) Study and performance of music literature in the jazz idiom. Prerequisite: special approval.
45241 Trombone Ensemble (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) A thorough study of trombone performance in various-sized ensembles. Emphasis on original literature from over four centuries. Prerequisite: special approval.
45251 Percussion Ensemble (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) A comprehensive study of percussion performance in various-sized ensembles. Use of keyboard percussion instruments along with drums and accessories. Study of percussion ensemble literature. Prerequisite: special approval.
45261 Bassoon Ensemble (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) Study and performance of music for multiple bassoons; emphasis upon refined ensemble playing, interpretation, leadership skills and arranging techniques. Prerequisite: special approval.
45271 New Music Ensemble (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) Study and performance of 20th-century chamber music with an emphasis on works by contemporary composers. Prerequisite: special approval.
45281 Flute Ensemble (1)
(Repeated registration permissible) Study and performance of music for multiple flutes; emphasis upon all aspects of ensemble playing and style considerations will be addressed in both chamber and conducted formats. Prerequisite: special approval/audition.
45311 Chamber Music (1 or 2)
(Repeated registration permissible) The study and performance of music for small ensembles. Prerequisite: special approval.
45321 Accompanying (1 or 2)
(Repeated registration permissible) Accompanying instrumental and vocal soloists; piano ensemble works. Credit counted toward ensemble requirements. One-hour credit for two hours of assigned accompanying weekly. Prerequisite: special approval.
47014 Folk Guitar for the Music Educator (1)
Development of basic folk guitar performance skills for music education majors. Prerequisites: music education (MUED) major and MUS 23111. Special fee: $35—subject to change.
47811 Instrument Class for the Choral/General Music Educator (1)
Class instruction in the basic playing skills of band and orchestral instruments intended to provide familiarity with the common school instruments for the choral/general music major. Prerequisite: music (MUS) major. Special fee: $20 flat fee—subject to change.
48111 Eurhythmics (1)
Applied study of rhythm through kinesthetic, intellectual and emotional involvement. Movement experiences to strengthen concentration and communication between ear, brain and muscles that execute rhythm. Prerequisite: music (MUS) major.
48112 Eurhythmics (1)
See MUS 48111. Prerequisite: MUS 48111.
48211 Introduction to Piano Pedagogy (2)
Observation and teaching of individual and class lessons, children and adults. Study and performance of preparatory materials, elementary through intermediate piano literature. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major and junior standing.
48221 Elements of Accompanying I (2)
Techniques of accompanying; selected overview of art song literature including Italian, German, French and English songs; development of playing-at-sight skills. Prerequisite: special approval.
48222 Elements of Accompanying II (2)
Continuation of accompanying techniques including opera accompanying, orchestral reductions and selected overview of literature for solo instrument and piano; continuation of playing-at-sight skills. Prerequisite: MUS 48221.
48241 Voice Pedagogy (2)
Survey of techniques, practices and materials of teaching voice. Prerequisite: special approval.
48251 Pedagogy of Music Theory (2)
The principles and techniques of teaching music theory. Prerequisite: MUS 21122.
48257 Pedagogy—Instrumental (2)
Principles and techniques of instruction. Literature survey. Analysis of instrumental problems and performance practice. Offered as needed for strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion, organ or guitar. Prerequisite: special approval.
48393 Variable Title Workshop in Music (1-4)
Offered for specific professional needs. Emphasis on performance and pedagogical skills. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
48512 Improvisation (1)
The development of musical improvisation skills not tied to any particular music style. Students will perform on their own applied instrument(s). Prerequisite: MUS 21121.
48598 Music Research (2-3)
(Repeated registration permissible) Research or individual investigation for undergraduate students. IP grade permissible. Prerequisite: special approval.
49525 Inquiry into Professional Practice (3)
Instruction in band, choral, general and orchestral music methods for music education majors. Focus on teacher leadership experiences and action research projects. Sixty-two field/clinical hours required. Prerequisites: music education (MUED) major and admission to student teaching
Applied Music
Students who plan to register for applied music for the first time must audition for the appropriate faculty member(s) prior to registering for the course.
Private applied music instruction: Privately instructed performance courses are offered each semester. Performance majors register for 4 credit hours, receive a one-hour lesson weekly and attend the weekly studio class of their major performing medium. Non-performance majors register for 2 hours of credit, receive one half-hour lesson weekly and attend the weekly studio class of their major performing medium. Students must be a music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major. Applied music study for non-majors and non-minors is subject to faculty and studio availability and may be elected only with the special approval of the School of Music.
The following courses are either 2 or 4 credit hours. Students electing 2 credits pay $100 per semester; students electing 4 credits pay $200 per semester.
36111, 46111—Piano
36311, 46311—Voice
36411, 46411—Violin
36412, 46412—Viola
36413, 46413—Cello
36414, 46414—Double Bass
36511, 46511—Flute
36512, 46512—Oboe
36513, 46513—Clarinet
36514, 46514—Bassoon
36515, 46515—Saxophone
36611, 46611—Trumpet
36612, 46612—Horn
36613, 46613—Trombone
36614, 46614—Euphonium
36615, 46615—Tuba
36711, 46711—Percussion
36912, 46912—Guitar
Class Instruction: Classes in piano, voice, strings, woodwinds, brasses and percussion are available. The prerequisite for each course is cited in the Catalog description. The instruction fee ranges from a $20 to $120 flat fee.
17011, 17012 Piano Class for Non-music Students (2 each)
Development of basic skills required in playing piano, including familiarity with the keyboard and music notation. Prerequisite: MUS 17011—none; 17012—MUS 17011 or audition. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
17111 Piano Class (1 )
Preparatory piano. Credit not acceptable on music major sequences. Piano literature and functional elements of sight-reading, transposition, harmonization and improvisation. Prerequisite: special approval. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change.
17112 Piano Class (1)
Prepartory piano. Credit not acceptable on music major sequences. Piano literature and functional elements of sight-reading, transposition, harmonization and improvisation. Prerequisite: MUS 17111 with a grade of C- (1.7) or better. Special fee: $35 flat fee —subject to change.
27111 Piano Class (2)
Continuation of piano classes. Credit acceptable on music major and minor sequences. Prerequisite: MUS 17111 with a grade of C (2.0) or better. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
27112 Piano Class (2)
Continuation of piano classes. Credit acceptable on music major and minor sequences. Prerequisite: MUS 27111. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
36111 Applied Music—Piano (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual study. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36311 Applied Music—Voice (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36411 Applied Music—Violin (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36412 Applied Music—Viola (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36413 Applied Music—Cello (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36414 Applied Music—Double Bass (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36511 Applied Music—Flute (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36512 Applied Music—Oboe (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36513 Applied Music—Clarinet (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36514 Applied Music—Bassoon (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36515 Applied Music—Saxophone (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36611 Applied Music—Trumpet (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36612 Applied Music—Horn (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36613 Applied Music—Trombone (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36614 Applied Music—Euphonium (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36615 Applied Music—Tuba (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36711 Applied Music—Percussion (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
36912 Applied Music—Guitar (2 or 4)
A comprehensive study of performance, technique and repertoire appropriate to music majors and minors. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) or music education (MUED) major.
37111 Functional Piano (2)
Development of keyboard facility for practical purposes in classroom. Credit-By-Exam with departmental approval. Prerequisite: MUS 21122. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
40296 Independent Study: Music (1-3)
(Repeated registration permissible) Individual investigation in music topics not offered as either regular coursework or beyond the scope of existing music major courses. Prerequisite: music (MUS) major and special approval.
47012 Folk Guitar Class I (2)
Development of basic folk guitar performance skills. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
47013 Folk Guitar Class II (2)
Continued development of acoustic guitar performance skills, study of performance-related theory and related topics such as open tuning and slide guitar. Prerequisite: MUS 47012. Special fee: $45 flat fee—subject to change.
47311 Voice Class (1)
Class instruction in the fundamentals of correct breathing, tone production and diction. Prerequisite: none. Special fee: $35/credit hour—subject to change. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change.
47411 String Class (1)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Class lessons in basic playing skills, methodology, teaching materials and maintenance of string instruments to enable the student to teach string classes in public schools. Prerequisite: music (MUS) major. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change.
47511 Woodwind Class (1)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Study of fundamental principles of performance on woodwind instruments; methods and materials for class and private instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) major. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change.
47611 Brass Class (1)
(Repeatable for a total of 3 credit hours) Study of fundamental principles of playing and teaching brass instruments. Survey of materials and method books suitable for class and private instruction. Prerequisite: music (MUS) major. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change.
47711 Percussion Class (1)
Study of various percussion instruments (mallets, snare drum, timpani and auxiliary) and techniques of performance. Designed for music educator with no previous percussion experience. Prerequisite: music (MUS) major. Special fee: $35 flat fee—subject to change.
* Course ineligible to be repeated for GPA recalculation.