Military Science (MSCI)
Military Science (MSCI)
10180 Introduction to Leadership I (1)
Introduces the student to the concept of leadership in the military and in democratic society in general. Examines leadership characteristics, principles and styles. Students must participate in outdoor character-building exercises. Corequisite: MSCI 10191 (ROTC only).
10185 Introduction to Leadership II (1)
Introduces the student to techniques and methods that leaders must employ. Examines time management, stress management, staff/group dynamics, problem-solving process and leadership climate. Corequisite: MSCI 10191 (ROTC only).
10191 Leadership Seminar I (1)
Instructional program preparing individuals to undertake the broad range of tasks associated with the dimensions of leadership. Stresses decision-making roles of leaders in planning and executing organizational programs. S/U graded. Corequisites: MSCI 10180 and 10185.
20180 Survey of American Military History (1)
Traces North American military history, theory, doctrine, strategy and tactics from the pre-Revolutionary period to the present. Prerequisite: none.
20181 Leadership Assessment I (2)
Interdisciplinary study of organizational leadership and group dynamics through assessment of 16 behavioral dimensions. Provides practical application and assessment of leadership skills in formal organizations. Corequisite: MSCI 20191 (ROTC only).
20183 Leadership Assessment II (2)
Interdisciplinary study of organizational leadership and group dynamics through assessment of 16 behavioral dimensions. Provides practical application and assessment of leadership skills in formal organizations. Corequisite: MSCI 20191 (ROTC only).
20191 Leadership Seminar II (1)
Instructional program preparing individuals to undertake the broad range of tasks associated with the dimensions of leadership. Stresses decision-making roles of leaders in planning and executing organizational programs. Corequisites: MSCI 20180 or 20183.
20196 Individual Research (1 or 2)
Individual research projects in leadership, management techniques and MODE Program. Used ONLY for selected personnel for entry into the advanced program. Prerequisites: sophomore standing and special approval.
30160 Leadership Development (2)
Develops managerial skills with emphasis on group dynamics, leadership theory and practical leadership experiences. Integrates communication skills, decision making and group motivation. Prerequisite: special approval. Corequisite: MSCI 30191.
30170 Organizational Leadership (2)
Application of management fundamentals, decision theory and leadership principles to organizations. Emphasis in coordinating, directing and controlling organizations. Prerequisite: special approval. Corequisite: MSCI 30191.
30183 Leadership Practicum (1-4)
Practical application of leadership in the military team. Prerequisite: special approval.
30191 Leadership Seminar III (1)
Instructional program preparing individuals to undertake the broad range of tasks associated with the dimensions of leadership. Stresses decision-making roles of leaders in planning and executing organizational programs. Corequisite: MSCI 30160 or 30170.
40160 Military Management and Ethics (2)
Professional ethics and responsibilities of military leaders. Development of interpersonal and managerial communicative skills. Prerequisite: special approval. Corequisite: MSCI 40191.
40170 The Professional Military Officer, Management and Law (2)
Studies in professional officer development, the military justice system and the management of personnel resources. Prerequisite: special approval. Corequisite: MSCI 40191.
40191 Leadership Seminar IV (1)
Instructional program preparing individuals to undertake the broad range of tasks associated with the dimensions of leadership. Stresses decision-making roles of leaders in planning and executing organizational programs. Prerequisite: special approval. Corequisite: MSCI 40160 or 40170.
40196 Individual Investigation (1-3)
Individual research projects, reports and readings. Prerequisites: special approval and advanced program standing.