Marketing (MKTG)
Marketing (MKTG)
25010 Marketing (3)
Functions, institutions and basic problems in marketing goods and services from viewpoint of manager of business firm operating within social, economics and legal environment. Prerequisite: ECON 22060.
35015 Service Marketing (3)
This course focuses on marketing a product that is primarily service rather than manufactured good. Service marketers must address a broad range of issues, including design of the service production process, recruitment and training of service providers, relationship marketing for customer retention and management of service quality. Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 or 35035 or BMRT 21050.
35030 Marketing Applications (3)
Students learn and apply analytical, financial, statistical, written and oral communications skills to make real-world marketing decisions. Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 and marketing (MKTG) major.
35035 Consumer Behavior (3)
This course covers consumer decision-making processes and psychological, sociological, cultural and economic factors influencing them. Analysis of marketing mix strategies and policies in a behavioral context. Prerequisite: MKTG 25010.
35050 Marketing Research (3)
This course focuses on the collection and analysis of new marketing data, both for exploratory and for decision-making purposes. Students work individually and in teams, developing and communicating responses to managerial questions. Prerequisites: MKTG 25010 and MIS 24056 and marketing (MKTG) major. Pre/corequisite: MKTG 35030.
35055 Internet Marketing (3)
This course will give students an understanding of the ways in which the Internet and the World Wide Web can be integrated into the marketing mix. In addition, tools of marketing which are available via the Internet will be explored. Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 or 35035 or BMRT 21050.
40093 Variable Title Workshop in Marketing (1-6)
Special topics in marketing. Hours of credit depend on scope of project. S/U grading. Prerequisite: special approval.
45045 Advertising and Promotion Management (3)
This course increases students’ understanding of advertising concepts as well as structure and functions of different “players” within the industry. It integrates marketing and advertising theory with application in advertising decision making. Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 or 35035 or BMRT 21050.
45046 Personal Selling and Sales Management (3)
This course covers communication and successful selling, building relationships, ethics, the buying process, prospecting, planning and making sales calls and sales management. Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 or 35035 or BMRT 21050.
45060 International Marketing (3)
Examination of international marketing in terms of global markets and trade. Emphasizes differences among markets caused by geography, politics, economics, culture, commercial policy and trade practices. Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 or 35035 or BMRT 21050.
45071 Business Marketing and E-Commerce (3)
This course covers relationship building, customer analysis and retention, market segmentation and strategy, purchasing and materials management, new product development and pricing. Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 or 35035 or BMRT 21050.
45082 Service, Retail and Web-Based Marketing (3)
Survey of the fields of service, retail and web-based marketing. Analysis of critical marketing mix decisions pertaining to services, retailing and cyberspace marketing. Processes for building and managing customer relationships and loyalty are addressed. Prerequisites: MKTG 35030 and marketing (MKTG) major.
45084 Marketing Policies and Strategies (3)
Capstone course for marketing majors. Course deals with marketing policies and strategies with emphasis on managerial decision-making case approach. Prerequisites: MKTG 35030 and marketing (MKTG) major and senior standing. This course may be used to satisfy the writing-intensive requirement with approval of major department.
45091 Marketing Seminar (3)
Current topics in marketing. Certain sections of this variable topic seminar may require instructor special approval or have further prerequisites. See current Schedule of Classes. Prerequisite: MKTG 25010 or 35035 or BMRT 21050.
45096 Individual Investigation in Marketing (3)
Independent investigation of appropriate problem undertaken by a senior marketing major. Prerequisite: special approval.
45292 Marketing Internship (3)
Preparation of research report concurrent with on-the-job experience with cooperating business or other organization. Prerequisite: minimum 2.50 cumulative GPA; and MKTG 25010 or 35035 or BMRT 21050; and special approval.